The Bright Side

The Bright Side Mission Pt. 2

The Bright Side Mission Philosophy

Bright Side Mission Pt. 2 - Syndicated Radio Show with Ben Fuchs

Bright Side Mission Pt. 2 – Syndicated Radio Show with Ben Fuchs

Americans – One of the Least Healthy Populations on the Planet

– A Statistical Snapshot at the modern state of America’s Health

o Some 11 million Americans suffer for a poorly functioning thyroid

o Acne affects 40 – 50 million Americans

o Over 90% of Americans aren’t even getting the RDA of Vitamin E

o 30% of Americans suffer from non-alcoholic liver disease while some 10 – 15% more suffer from the alcoholic fatty liver disease

o One million or so people die each year from heart disease; 65,000,000 Americans suffer from some type of heart disease like high blood pressure or kidney disease

o there are 80 million Americans with some type of autoimmune issues

o Diabetic symptoms afflict 100+ million (1 out of 3) Americans!

o Over $300 billion per year is spent on cardiovascular issues and heart disease. 64 million Americans suffer from heart disease

– Americans are taking more medicines than ever before

o In 2011, you have around ½ (48% within the last month) of all Americans taking prescription drugs, with many of those taking multiple prescriptions (2 or more drugs for 1/3 Americans; 5 or more drugs is 1/10 Americans)

§ There are billions of prescriptions dispensed every year, with an average of 12 per American!

o You’d think with all these prescriptions, we’d all be living long, healthy lives… but we are sicker than ever before.

o Most of our complaints of today suspiciously sound like the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs

§ Many people who are dying of heart attacks are on multiple prescription drugs.

– The average American starts the falling apart process at the age of 28 – 30. By the time we reach 65 or 70, the falling-apart process is in full force. This is why:

o 1 out of every 3 Americans is overweight

o 1 out of every 2 Americans is diabetic or pre-diabetic

o 1 out of every 2 Americans has non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

– We are in the midst of a health crisis that is truly of biblical proportions and it is so unnecessary

– We are being subjected to poisons and chemicals (10,000’s of them) that have been invented since the industrial revolution. Is it a surprise that Americans are the most chronically-diseased population in the history of humanity.

o Should we then subject ourselves to yet more poisoning just because some “authority” with a white coat on tells us that we can lower our cholesterol if we take this or that poison, or we can force our pancreas to make more insulin with this or that drug

– And in the end, what do we get for the billions, or even trillions of dollars that we’re spending on drug treatments, surgeries, and diagnostics? A DISASTROUS situation where 80 million Americans are dealing with some kind of cardiovascular disease.

o There’s a heart death every minute

– When it comes to heart disease and all degenerative disease, our medical model is complete failure because it puts the emphasis in the wrong place.

o The problem isn’t the heart or the circulatory system – it is where the problem appears, but not where the problem begins

o In order to correct heart disease truly and genuinely, we have to address the cause, which in the vast majority of cases is going to be found in the digestive system

– This idea that we can use drugs, which are nothing but glorified poisons, to treat the manifestations of bodily breakdown is part of a hypnotically-induced trance that we are subjected to from the day we are born, and it continues for the rest of our lives

– The prescription drugging of Americans is one of the most egregious cons that we’ve ever been subjected to

– We are being subjected to poisons and chemicals (10,000’s of them) that have been invented since the industrial revolution. Is it a surprise that Americans are the most chronically-diseased population in the history of humanity.

o Should we then subject ourselves to yet more poisoning just because some “authority” with a white coat on tells us that we can lower our cholesterol if we take this or that poison, or we can force our pancreas to make more insulin with this or that drug

o For all the tests, scans, drugs, etc., we are sicker than ever and the medical paradigm has presided over this disaster. It DOES NOT WORK! What will it take to prove this to people?

Hey America – Sickness and Disease is not Inevitable!

– Address the cause of disease, clear out the clogs in the circulatory system, make sure you breathe correctly, make sure you’re drinking water, make sure you’re not eating the crappy foods, and we can get our God-given allotment of 120 years back. WE DON’T HAVE TO FALL APART!

o PB has simply seen too many people benefit from getting on BTT/Supplement program, changing their diet around, and making proper lifestyle choices.

o Making the proper lifestyle, diet, and supplement choices is the single-most important health decision a person will ever make.

o If you are taking one or several prescription drugs on an ongoing basis and you feel something is not right, you should know that this is a recent phenomenon based on a corrupt medical model. Prescription drugs are by no means your only option!

– By understanding our bodies and how all these pieces interact with each other, we can go a long way towards REVERSING (not CURING) these degenerative process

o Allow the body to build faster than it’s breaking down. Drive the chemistry in the direction of buildup – the body wants to do it.

Modern Medicine – It’s Not Really About Your Health

– Doctors generally treat allopathically, which is a treatment of disease. In fact, modern medicine is an ongoing war against disease, bacteria, viruses.

o Allo = Against, Pathy = Pathology à Opposing Pathology or disease

o The idea of using drugs to oppose pathology: Drugs or radiation are the choice weapons in the war on pathology

o “You have this disease; you have this symptom.” – This notion of “you have” then gives license to doctors to prescribe a medication or remedy

o It’s the MEDICAL MODEL that is the problem: The focus on billable markers, tests, and drugs that is at fault here. This is the wrong way to look at the body

o Do you really believe that drug companies, hospitals, and healthcare services in general really have an interest in making sure everyone is healthy? The $300 billion figure goes towards paying a lot of mortgages for a lot of drug company reps and CEO’s.

o Do not think that a pharma company is interested in your health! The medical model does NOT have your best interests in mind. If you don’t want to be milked like a cash cow, you want to stay FAR away from the corporate healthcare system in this country.

– Why do people get sick when it gets cold? There’s no biological reason for people to get sick with a change of temperature.

o As soon as it gets cold, people get sick. What’s up with that?

o People go to the doctors for their sickness and, in a knee-jerk fashion, the doctor prescribes the usual stuff (like amoxicillin, cough syrup, etc.)

o Doctors prescribe the exact same stuff for everyone; some cost-cutting health facilities use formularies that show which drugs are supplied at the discounted rate.

§ Everyone who has problem X will be treated with drug Y in a very cookie-cutter fashion – whatever the buyers of drugs at the facilities have a deal on

o Every pathology has a designated drug and protocol for how much and when. These prescriptions are so automatic; the doctor doesn’t even have to know anything.

– The medical model wants us to think that it’s a mystery how the body works, just like the legal and political system want us confused so that we can’t empower ourselves.

o Those who would assume power over us want us confused.

– We’ve become so “smart” that we’re dumb. We are led to believe that it’s complicated, when it’s not.

o Think about the legal system – you know that it’s so complex that you must find a lawyer. Why? Because lawyers write the law. The political system is the same way – filled with laws, intentionally complicating things so we give up.

o When it comes to your health, you don’t have to buy into a crooked medical paradigm.

– 15 – 20% (soon to be 30%) of our GDP is spent on health care, yet we’re so sick

o We have the most expensive healthcare and the highest rates of degenerative disease

o Highest rates of obesity

o Highest rates of diabetes, cancer

o What does this tell you?

– The commoditization of medicine in our capitalist culture has led to this state of affairs, so in true follow-the-money fashion, the health of the population has become nothing more than an opportunity for some fat cat CEO and their poodles in the medical profession to line their pockets at our and our family’s expensed.

o Americans are the most medicalized people on the planet. We have the highest healthcare costs, highest drug costs, insurance costs, and soon we will have the full weight of the federal gov’t guaranteeing that everyone has to participates. And what do we have to show for ourselves? More degeneration than ever before, and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

– The Bright Side Philosophy is a response to the failures of allopathic medicine, of “fighting disease” by cutting yourself open, irradiating your body, or taking pharma.

o Health Statistics prove this: We have all kinds of drugs to treat a whole slew of ailments

o It’s not just drugs; nutrients can also be used in an allopathic fashion. You can sometimes get good results using such nutrition, so it’s not for nothing. But this is not what the Bright Side Philosophy is about.

– If we attempt to address our health challenges at the symptom level, it is equivalent to Hercules trying to destroy the hydra, who grew two heads for every one cut off

o When doctors remove a gall bladder for chronic gall stones, patients get skin and digestive problems

o When doctors prescribe blood pressure medicine, patients have fatigue and sexual difficulties

o Treatments for depression increase the risk for suicide and difficulty in concentration

– Most modern medical treatments that suppress symptoms do not address the causes of the problem in the first place, which is almost always rooted in the triangle of digestion, adrenal, and blood-sugar systems.

– If nutrition sounds kind of wacky to you and you want to go out and use, say, a statin drug, then go ahead. But if you’re suspicious or tired of being drugged, listen to The Bright Side, because you will get a lot of real options for real heart health that don’t involve interfacing with the medical community at all.

– The pharmacological model works with molecules; The Bright Side philosophy, which is really a commonsense model works with lifestyle and nutrition choices:

o Foods

o Water

o Supplementation

o Oxygenation

o Exercise

– The medical model cannot help but fail; look no further than the poor state of health Americans live with. The commonsense, Bright Side philosophy cannot help but work, and work quickly – almost instantly when it’s done correctly.

o It’s in the body’s nature to heal, so we ride the healing wave of the body, which can begin immediately.

– A cell that’s not doing what it’s supposed to do because it’s deformed, suffocating, malnourished, or swimming in its own excrement and poisons is a cell that is not going to be able to function correctly. This is how all disease should be viewed.

– So, chronic disease does not need chronic medication. In fact, chronic disease is helpless in the face of chronic medication; more often than not, chronic medication accelerates degeneration which then requires MORE meds. Don’t add to your body’s net breakdown mode.

– Eliminate the middle man. Reverse the net breakdown to net buildup. Ask yourself where the focal point of all breakdown is – the cell. We can WORK OURSELVES.

o Take the power back and address the cellular breakdown! When we eat well, the cell eats well.

o When we are not breathing correctly, our cells are not breathing correctly, etc.

o Everything we’re doing at the body level is happening at a cellular level too

o There is not a drug or doctor anywhere that can take care of us as we are ourselves can

The Bright Side Philosophy and Mission

Mission – Teach the People How The Human Body and Nutrients Work

– There is a real, justified cynicism about supplementation, diet plans, alternatives to drugs, etc., and the medical model plays off on this skepticism

– Pharmacist Ben (PB) believes that this cynicism exists because nobody is explaining exactly how the body works and how nutrients work

o PB wants The Bright Side to be about how things work:

§ “How does this eye or heart vitamin work?”

§ “What is an essential fatty acid?”

§ “What is a liquid mineral and why are liquid minerals important?”

§ “Why does taurine work?”

§ “How does lecithin improve my digestion, and how will improving my digestion be helpful for my heart?”

– PB’s real mission on The Bright Side and his presentations is to communicate the message of HOW THE BODY WORKS – how the chemistry, neurology, biology, and everything in the body works together with nutrition, oxygen, with mental, spiritual, and emotional components as well – so you can gain appreciate and awe at the sheer perfection and amazingness of the human body.

o We can cure ourselves without doctors, health insurance companies, and bureaucrat administrators who tell us what we can and should take or what kind of procedures we have to do.

o The Bright Side is a coherent, compelling, eye-opening message to anyone who has ever had their personal dignity robbed from them by some pencil-pushing bureaucrat (or whomever) who is deciding what kind of treatment you need or deserve.

o The Bright Side is committed to helping listeners understand and harness the power of nutritional supplementation. It is Pharmacist Ben’s passion and mission in life

– Having enough health information will necessitate some technical details and explanation; PB’s challenge is to make the information palatable and understandable

– The Bright Side is intended to clear up the confusion described above. If you feel overwhelmed with a visit to the vitamin store, and want the straight scoop, then the Bright Side is for you. Continue reading The Bright Side Mission Pt. 3

Part 1: The Bright Side Mission

Posted by postmaster in Perspective

The Bright Side Mission

These days, There is a real, justified cynicism about supplementation, diet plans, alternatives to drugs, etc., and the medical model plays off on this skepticism. Pharmacist Ben believes that this cynicism exists because nobody is explaining exactly how the body works and how nutrients work.

The Bright Side Mission

The Bright Side mission is to communicate the message of how the body works – how the chemistry, neurology, biology, and all systems in the body work together with nutrition, with oxygen, and with mental, spiritual, and emotional components as well – so that regular people can gain appreciation and awe at the sheer perfection and magnificence of the human body. The Bright Side carries out its mission via The Bright Side Radio show and website, Pharmacist Ben’s presentations, and pamphlets such as this one.

Bright Side Mission - Syndicated Radio Show with Ben Fuchs

Bright Side Mission – Syndicated Radio Show with Ben Fuchs

Therefore, The Bright Side’s mission is also one of empowerment and liberation: teaching the people how the body works so that we may take the power to control our own health back into our own hands and liberate ourselves from slavery to modern medicine, pharmaceutical drugs, and processed corporate swill that passes for food in the Standard American Diet (SAD).

As such, Americans are the most diseased and medicalized people in human history, despite modern medical and technological advances. 70 – 80% of the health issues in the U.S. are degenerative diseases – essentially, diseases of lifestyle; doctors, drugs, and surgery cannot do anything about this state of affairs. The reality, however, is that Americans are not sick, they are starving for nutrients. We do not need to be fixed, we need to be fed. Without nutrients, disease is the only eventuality possible, and that is what we are seeing more and more in the United States (and the Western world) today.

But there is great news! You can help yourself feel better and reverse the degenerative process if you just give the body what it needs. The body needs proper nutrition to feed the body, respiration to oxygenate the body, movement to generate electrical energy and deliver nutrients throughout the body, and long periods of rest for bodily growth and repair to take place.

Once you understand better how the body works and what it needs, you can effectively provide yourself with the necessary nutrients so that you don’t have to go looking for salvation from herbs, drugs, and exotic elements that are not part of the body’s essential line up of nutrition.

And so, as the name “The Bright Side” itself states, there is always a “bright side” when it comes to our health and any diseases we or our loved ones might be suffering from, which is that we can be our own doctors and healthcare providers! The Bright Side is committed to the idea that the body’s healing processes and optimal health can begin immediately if we arm ourselves with the proper knowledge and begin to change the food and lifestyle choices we make, allowing us to be the immediate beneficiaries of the body’s divine, inborn healing system.

Modern Medicine – It’s About Money, Not Health

The United States is spending between 15 – 20% (soon to be 30%) of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on healthcare, yet we’re so sick! We have the most expensive healthcare and the highest rates of degenerative disease in the world, as well as the highest rates of obesity, diabetes, and cancer. As well, we have the highest healthcare costs, highest drug costs, insurance costs, and soon we will have the full weight of the federal government guaranteeing that everyone’s participation.

And what do we have to show for ourselves? More degeneration than ever before, and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Doctors generally treat allopathically, which is a treatment of disease. In fact, modern medicine is an ongoing war against disease, bacteria, viruses. Let’s look at the roots of the word “allopathy”, which means “against (allo-) pathology (-pathy)”, or in other words, “opposing pathology/disease”. Toxic pharmaceuticals, radiation, and invasive surgery are the weapons of choice in modern medicine’s “war on pathology”. With the notion of “you have ___________ disease and ___________ symptom(s)”, doctors are given the license to prescribe medications or harmful remedies.

It’s the medical model that is the root problem: The focus on billable markers, tests, ancillary hospital services, and drugs that is at fault here. This is the wrong way to look at the body! The commoditization of medicine in our capitalist culture has led to this state of affairs, so in true follow-the-money fashion, the health of the population has become nothing more than an opportunity for some well-paid CEO’s and their poodles in the medical profession to line their pockets at our and our family’s expense.

People go to the doctors for their sickness and, in a knee-jerk fashion, the doctor prescribes the usual stuff (like amoxicillin, cough syrup, etc.). Doctors prescribe the exact same stuff for everyone; some cost-cutting health facilities use formularies that show which drugs are supplied at the discounted rate. Everyone who has problem X will be treated with drug Y in a very cookie-cutter fashion – whatever the buyers of drugs at the facilities have a deal on. Every pathology has a designated drug and protocol for how much and when. These days, dispensing prescriptions is so automatic that the doctor doesn’t even have to know anything.

So, do you really believe that drug companies, hospitals, and healthcare services in general really have an interest in making sure everyone is healthy? The $300 billion figure goes towards paying a lot of mortgages for a lot of drug company reps and CEO’s. Do not think that a pharmaceutical company is interested in your health! The medical model does NOT have your best interests in mind. If you don’t want to be milked like a cash cow, you want to stay FAR away from the corporate healthcare system in this country.

What’s more, the medical model wants us to think that the body’s workings are a mystery and keep us confused, just like the legal and political system want us confused – so that we can’t empower ourselves. Just think for a second about the legal system or the tax code – they are so complex that you must find a lawyer or an accountant. Why? Because lawyers write the law. The political system is the same way – filled with laws, intentionally complicating things so we give up.

The American medical system is much the same – we are led to believe that health is complicated, when it’s not. The main problem is that most modern medical treatments that suppress symptoms do not address the causes of the problem in the first place, which can almost always be traced to simple root causes (more on that in the next section). And so, we’ve become so smart with today’s medical model that we’re dumb! We spend our time, energy, and money trying to “cure” the ever-growing list of symptoms of disease. But attempting to address health challenges at the symptom level is equivalent to Hercules trying to destroy the hydra, who grew two heads for every one cut off. For example:

– When doctors remove a gall bladder for chronic gall stones, patients get skin and digestive problems

– When doctors prescribe blood pressure medicine, patients have fatigue and sexual difficulties

– Treatments for depression increase the risk for suicide and difficulty in concentration

But again, the bright side is that, when it comes to your health, you don’t have to buy into a crooked medical paradigm. If nutrition sounds kind of wacky to you and you want to go out and use, say, a statin drug, then go ahead. But if you’re suspicious or tired of being drugged, turn to The Bright Side, because you will get a lot of real options for real health and wellness that don’t involve interfacing with the medical community at all. Continued reading The Bright Side Mission Pt. 2

Posted by postmaster in Perspective

Bright Side Ben

What is the Bright Side?

The Bright Side is about understanding the invisible power that is pervades us, that is all around us and that we readily access, albeit unconsciously. This invisible power is not new agey or airy fairy or in any way, less than scientific. In fact, It’s as scientific as the electricity that turns on our lights. Actually, it is the same as the electricity that turns on our lights. It is this invisible power that shows up as electrical energy that powers the human body and powers the human mind. It is responsible for healing and growing and thriving and in biological terms we can refer to it as the life force.

Bright Side Ben - The Bright Side Syndicated Radio Show with Ben Fuchs

If you are religious you can call it GOD. When this life force, electrical energy, GOD if you like, is detected by the eyes we call it light as in the light of the world, when it is detected by the ears we call it sound as in the word, as in “in the beginning there was the word”. The wondrousness of this omnipresent, eternal stuff is that while it is one thing it shows up in endless diversity of form from the smallest bacteria to the largest stars and it is exactly the same stuff that runs our bodies. This invisible power is only invisible until we see it’s work and that’s what the Bright Side is about. Understanding how to consciously access and how to consciously use the invisible power that fuels every living thing. All sickness and disease is simply poor technique. Lack of skill. Much the same as a child learning a musical instrument, poor health is simply the physical equivalent of the horrible sound a violin makes when a 5 year old picks it up for the first time. The Bright Side is about understanding that the same way that 5 year old, if he keeps practicing, no matter how horrible he may sound at first, will eventually become a talented musician, if he keeps practicing, if we keep practicing how to use this invisible power, this Life force we can become virtuosos of life, virtuosos of living.

We can strive to treat our health issues and our life issues as exercises that will eventually build our life skills. When it comes to health, never, ever let any medical professional tell you that you just have to live with a health crisis, or you’ll have to be on this drug for the rest of your life. There invisible power, the life force gives the human body has an astounding ability to repair itself. Every little shaving nick or paper cut is an opportunity to witness this amazing healing power. Bone cells, liver cells, lung cells, stomach cells, blood cells, skin cells are constantly dying and being born, again and again and again and again till the day we die. Revelation 21:5 God says “behold, I make all things new”, and nothing exemplifies more than the human body.

But we got remember the old adage GIGO, garbage in garbage out. Garbage thoughts, garbage feelings and garbage food produce garbage bodies. Physical health and wellness are built first and foremost from quality thoughts. We should all be striving to understand the thought process and then to harness the thought process for our ultimate good. Consciously selecting healthy positive thoughts and releasing old negative thoughts. And when comes to emotions and feelings, we have to learn how to feel our feelings so they can be released. One of the most sure fire ways to create illness is to suppress feelings. At a very young age we learn that our feelings are not OK, and we become very skilled at suppression. Feeling feelings fully doesn’t come easy for us, but it’s a skill that can be learnt and we can actually come to enjoy them. Even unpleasant feelings like anger and fear are not problematic as much as resisting anger and fear. Can you see the difference between feeling fear and resisting feeling fear? Between feeling sadness or anger and resisting feeling sadness or anger. The feeling itself is just energy coursing through the body. The real problem is, and the negative health implication that arises is in the resistance. That’s what creates the tension and resistance and ultimately the lack of ease or dis-ease. Continue reading The Bright Side Mission

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Posted by postmaster in Perspective