
Cryptosporidium Contamination

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

Drinking water contaminants which include disinfection by-products, brain numbing fluoride, and cancer causing trihalomethanes are never pleasant to think about. But perhaps the most disgusting and dangerous, and unfortunately wide-spread, of all tap water pollutants is the deadly cryptosporidium bacteria which moves into its new digs in the water supply post-departing it’s old home in human and animal fecal material. That’s right, it’s a short hop for the excrement loving microbe from elimination from man and animal intestines, to the water supply, then to your tap, and then to you and your family’s drinking water. How delicious!

Cryptosporidium ContaminationUp until recently, chlorination was the most effective way to deal with cryptosporidium contamination, but recently it has come to light that many of the parasites of poop are learning to adjust. So-called chlorine resistant cryptosporidium are responsible for one of the more common of the water borne diseases and can be the source of serious intestinal distress that can last for weeks. Because it takes 7-10 days for the symptoms of cryptosporidiosis to show up, you may not realize what caused your diarrhea, abdominal pain and low grade fever. All are associated with the parasitic infection. According Jack Barber of Water Wise Purification Systems, up to 63 percent of all water borne illnesses may be directly caused by chlorine resistant cryptosporidium cysts which are super hard “eggs” just waiting for the right opportunity to hatch or sprout, or otherwise come to life.

The best way to avoid crap-tosporidium is to stay away from human waste, the most likely source of infection, and be very careful of tap water. Basically water has to be pasteurized to assure that it is cryptosporidium free. Distilled water works, too. In fact distilled water is pretty much the safest source of water going. Not only does it free the water of parasites like cryptosporidium, but a good steam distiller is the most effective of all water purification systems. It can eliminate heavy metals, solid materials of all kinds, as well as the prescription medications that are showing up increasingly in tap water. A good distiller can get rid of fluoride, too. Pretty much all of the 85,000 different chemicals that are listed in the Federal registry, and that can show up in tap water, are removed by steam distillation.

And don’t believe the silly stories about distilled water leaching minerals out of your bones. While it’s true distilled water is empty water and “hungry” for minerals, it can’t steal them from your skeleton which guards its precious bone hardening substances very carefully. Distilled water may however help solubilize calcium deposits that can harden soft tissues of the body. And distilled water is a circulatory system purifier too. It can help improve elimination of toxic substances that may be in blood and lymphatic fluids.

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Toxic

8 Chapters of Good Nutrition Videos

Ben Fuchs’ “8 Chapters of Good Nutrition” presentation on video is full of pearls of wisdom. Pharmacist Ben is a well informed and dynamic speaker. He teaches nutrition in a way anyone can comprehend. Easy going, and easy to listen to, Ben can hold your attention while dishing out eye opening insights into foods for the human body and soul. It’s worth tearing yourself away from the daily duties for a few minutes. It might improve the quality of your life while adding a few years to it as well.
What are the 8 Chapters?
1) Proteins
2) Fats
3) Carbohydrates
4) Fiber
5) Water
6) Vitamins
7) Minerals
8) Trace Nutrients
Ben Fuchs Good NutritionThe human body is amazing. We have the potential to be strong and healthy, given the knowledge and raw materials to do so. Ben has been doing a lot of the hard work for us, and packaged it for your consumption. Lot’s of invaluable information at no cost.
Topics & Notes
Don’t get your health and nutrition information form mainstream sources. Get it from alternative information sources like the Townsend Letters.
Pharmaceutical drugs are a leading cause of death.
Ben and the Blistex lab.
The benefits of supplements for skin. The skin is your digestive system inside out. The dumbest thing you can use for dry skin is moisturizer.
The day Ben started his own pharmacy. A nutritional compounding pharmacy that specializes in skin.
The code of life. Spiritual, mental, emotional, physical.
125,000,000 miles of DNA in your body.
Protein. From the Greek, “of primary importance”. The gears that run the machinery.
Fatty cucumbers and oil on your salad.
The medicine is bitter.
Eat the peel.
Look for pigments.
Beer and your hair.
If you are missing these 2 minerals, you are now deficient in 500 different chemical reactions in your body.
Some of the other topics covered are: Whey protein, Eggs, Essential Fatty Acids, Fat, Hormones, Master Hormones, Receptors, Thyroid, Diabetes, Hot Flashes, Menopausal Symptoms, Arthritis, Prednisone, Cholesterol, Cravings, Carbohydrates, Sugars, Fiber, Flax Xenoestrogens, Water, Electricity, B Vitamins, Vitamin D, Sun, Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Iodine, and Breast Cancer.
Curious yet?



Fats That Heal, Fats That KillBook Description

Product Description Get the skinny on fats! “Fats that Heal-Fats that Kill” brings you the most current research on common and less well-known oils with therapeutic potential, including flaxseed oil, olive oil, fish oil, evening primrose oil and more. Author Udo Erasmus also exposes the manufacturing processes that turn healing fats into killing fats, explains the effects of these damaging fats on human health, and furnishes information that enables you to choose health-promoting oils. 456 pages.

Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill: The Complete Guide to Fats, Oils, Cholesterol and Human Health

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Video

Top 12 Tips and Tools for Easy Detoxification Part 1

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

One of the most popular subjects in the world of health and nutrition is detoxification. Perhaps it’s a manifestation of the recognition we all have of how much we’ve trashed the world we live in. The pollution of our planet is proceeding on an incomprehensible pace and as a society, we are fast approaching a tragedy of biblical proportions. Understanding how to keep the our body’s biochemical machinery pristine and protected is one of the most important lessons we can learn if we are going maximize our health, longevity and quality life and minimize our risk of disease and degeneration.

Easy DetoxificationThe bad news is, we’ve done such a toxic number on our environment, that it’s almost impossible to escape our poisonous legacy. The Bright Side is the human body has healing, regenerating and detoxification systems built into it. There’s no need for fancy or expensive detox programs. In fact, in a healthy body there are 7 different systems that can purify fluids and tissue. Yet while the lungs, liver, colon, skin, kidneys, lymph and blood are are all automatically and spontaneously involved in moment to moment purification, for many us these systems can become overloaded. Besides avoiding (as much as is practical) exposure to poisons, there are numerous inexpensive and easy to use supplements and strategies to help improve and strengthen these built-in cleansing systems. Below you will find Part 1 of the top 12 tips and tools you can use to improve biological detoxification in a very toxic world. For more good health information, make sure to listen to The Bright Side, Monday thru Friday 8:00-9:00am PST on the Genesis Communication Network.

1. Exhaling – while most people are aware of the importance of oxygenation, it seems like far fewer understand how to exploit the the exhalation process. Carbon dioxide, lactic acid and other gaseous toxins are eliminated on the out-breath and simple deep breathing practices are cheap (free!) and effective ways to maximize the cleansing action of the respiratory system. This is especially important for smokers! And, of course, regular aerobic exercise is a great way to promote healthy exhalation detoxification. As a bonus benefit, the neurology associated with exhalation shows up as a relaxing affect on the heart.

2.Water – dilutes poisons and improves elimination through the kidneys and lungs. Eat water-rich foods (veggies especially) and drink lots of purified (distilled or reverse osmosis is best) water generously throughout the day.

3.Chlorophyll – Electromagnetically attracts toxins and allows them to pass harmlessly through the body. Eat lots of veggies and chlorella, spirulina and other seaweed products. Chlorophyll also acts as a source of magnesium, which plays an important role in biological detoxification.

4.Zeolite – electrically charged mineral structures with millions of micropores that effectively trap heavy metals. So effective for radiation contamination that the nuclear industry uses it to mop up toxic spills. May function as an anti-oxidant and can help support blood alkalinity too. Take 5 to 15 grams a day and look for premium micronized (vs. milled) form for best results.

5.Bentonite Clay– magnetically attracts toxins in a manner similar to zeolite. Especially effective for intestinal purification. Mops up colon toxins and parasites for rapid elimination. Use 1-2 tablespoonful in 16oz of water. Water absorbing properties can help improve diarrhea symptoms too.

6.Far Infra-red Saunas (FIS)-special saunas that emit energy which is directly absorbed by the body. Unlike regular saunas which heat the air or steam and then indirectly heat the body, FIS therapy has been shown to have dramatic effects on detoxification. In addition to maximizing the removal of toxins through sweat, Far Infra-red Saunas are also known to kill certain bacteria and parasites, detoxify cells by radiatory vibration and decrease the size of biological water clusters which can mobilize stored toxins and make them easier to excrete.

Top 12 Tips and Tools for Easy Detoxification Part 2

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Toxic