
Bad Drugs

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

There are a lot of bad drugs out there. Calcium channel blockers can prevent cells from using calcium an important nerve conducting mineral. Not good! Steroid drugs like prednisone suppress the immune system making the body more susceptible to infections. They also suppress growth and repair and can accelerate the development of degenerative disease. Antibiotics impair gut health, diuretics induce the loss of precious minerals like zinc and selenium and magnesium, and anti-osteoporosis drugs like Fosamax and Boniva can cause a horrible jaw affliction called osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), which is basically a rapid decay and death of the jawbone. According to lawyers for ONJ victims, the potential connection of incidences the jawbone disease to the use these types of drugs was not unknown to manufacturers of the medications who are currently being targeted by a class action investigation as well as multiple individual injury lawsuits.

Bad DrugsAmong the most toxic classes of drugs are the beta blockers. These drugs work by suppressing (blocking) the nerves that activate cardiac muscle. Technically, they block the “beta” nerves which are a component of the electrical enervation system of the heart. And that’s why doctors love these things so much. They slow down the heart. And what’s so great about slowing down the heart? Well, the way the medical model professionals look at it, by slowing down the electrical activity of the heart you can slow down pumping action thereby reducing the pressure of blood flow. That’s why if you go to your doctor and get diagnosed with hypertension, the odds are pretty good you’re going to leave the office with a prescription for a beta blocking drug like atenolol or propranolol or metoprolol. Doctors also love to use beta blocking drugs for arrhythmias and tachycardias, both of which can be caused by high heart muscle activity. In the addled and convoluted logic of iatrochemical health care (using dugs to create health), shutting down the heart is a good thing because it can slow down hyperactivity and lower blood pressure by reducing pumping action

And if you have a heart attack you can also expect to get put on a beta blocking drug and not just temporarily. Doctors feel that dumbing down the heart by reducing its pumping strength can reduce post heart attack mortality, and many heart attack patients are told they will have to take their beta blocking heart toxic drug for the rest of their lives. If you have pulmonary disease in addition to a history of heart attacks it’s almost a guarantee,. According to an article from the New England Journal of Medicine 90 percent of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) patients who have had a myocardial infarction (heart attack) are put on beta blocking drugs.

If you’ve had a heart attack and you don’t want to submit to a medical mugging and doctor drugging and prescription poisoning, you can always relax the heart and strengthen cardiac contractions using dietary and nutritional strategies. Deep breathing (inhalation and exhalation) can slow and strengthen heart muscle contraction. Magnesium 1000-2000mg a day can help. Lithium Orate (10mg a day), GABA (500mg at night), CoQ10 (100mg a day), and Vitamin C (5000mg a day), and the B-complex can all provide significant cardiac relaxation effects too. Finally, cortisol can cause a quick jolt of cardiac activity. And nothing will amp up cortisol faster than a rapid rise in insulin and the subsequent low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). That means, for all, if you’re dealing with a cardiac health issue, you’d be well advised to stay away from cereals, breads, pasta, and refined flours and sugar and other insulin spiking foods that can induce hypoglycemia.

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Toxic

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

Late last week the FDA approved a new drug to treat Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH). The medication, called macitentan (Opsumit, Actelion) is the second drug approved this month to treat the debilitating disease. Earlier, the regulatory body approved a medication called riociguat (Adempas).

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Micrograph showing a plexiform lesion of the lung, as seen in irreversible pulmonary hypertension. Image contributed by Bulent Celasun, MD, via Wikimedia Commons.

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension is a condition that affects the blood circulation in the pulmonary system, which is medical term referring to respiratory mechanics and the lungs. Although no one knows exactly how many people have PAH, according to the American Thoracic Society (ATS), it may affect as many as hundreds of thousands of Americans. It can best be thought of as high blood pressure of the lung arteries and can lead to all kinds of unpleasant bodily symptoms including bluish lips, hands or feet, dizziness, fatigue and lethargy, shortness of breath, fainting and swelling in the lower extremities. PAH has no surgical cure, progresses rapidly and is marked by progressive degeneration and breakdown of the blood vessels that travel from the heart to the lungs. In a normal healthy body, blood is carried from the heart, then to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen, which is then in turn delivered back to the heart and then to the rest of the organs and tissues of the body. Under conditions of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension however, pulmonary arterial constriction, i.e. a tightening of the blood vessels in the lungs, restricts flow resulting in a sluggish circulation to the heart as well as a decrease in the amount of blood and oxygen that is ultimately delivered to the rest of the body. In addition, long term hypertension in the pulmonary arteries can lead to vascular changes including thickening of vessel walls, inflammation and the formation of plaques, all of which can further impair circulation and blood flow. Most significantly as the condition progresses, the heart, which is forced to work harder and faster to compensate for the vascular changes, becomes weakened. This can result in heart failure which is the most common cause of death in cases of PAH.

PAH can be associated with various other disease states including connective tissue disease, hypothyroidism, liver disease and heart disease, HIV infection and stimulant drug intake. However the vast majority of cases, according to ATS literature are said to be idiopathic, meaning they are associated with no known cause.

Although there is no medical cure for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, drug treatments have traditionally focused on vasodilators, which open up the blood vessels. However these kinds of drugs can create potential problems via lowering blood pressure in the rest of the body and ultimately decreasing the flow of blood to the lungs. Although the recently approved drugs, macitentan and riociguat, operate via novel mechanisms they are still vasodilators and can result in the same kind of problems as the more conventional PAH medications.

As with other circulatory health challenges there are many nutritional and dietary strategies that may help improve PAH. According to researchers writing in the European Respiratory Journal in April 2013, there is an increased prevalence of insulin resistance in PAH patients. Thus, restoring insulin sensitivity by reducing the intake of sugars and refined carbs may have a beneficial effect. Additionally there are nutritional supplements that can be used that improve insulin response. Niacin, thiamin, chromium and vanadium can all increase insulin sensitivity. So can the mineral magnesium, which can the potentize effects of insulin, and can provide lung and circulatory benefits. Magnesium has also been used as a medical treatment for PAH in newborns. In a 2004 study of 12 newborn babies with pulmonary hypertension published in the Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, magnesium was found to be “a safe and effective pulmonary vasodilator”, which is medical talk for “a safe substance for opening up blood vessels in the lungs”.

Finally, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, while not specifically associated with treating pulmonary arterial hypertension, there are several nutritional supplements that can be used to improve heart health function in general. These include carnitine (500mg, three times a day), CoQ10 (200-600mg a day), Vitamin E (400 IU a day), potassium (20mg and day) and taurine (1000mg twice a day).

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Health

Asthma Epidemic

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

Get ready for another epidemic! According an article posted on the annual “September Asthma Epidemic” (their words, not mine) is coming, although the only evidence they cite are clinical studies that have shown the greatest number of hospitalization due to asthmatic attack are highest 17 days after labor day. Whether an epidemic is on the way or not may be up to conjecture, but what is not debatable is the well-documented fact that asthma is a big and getting bigger problem. From 2001 to 2010, the asthma incidence increased almost 15 percent. By 2009, asthma accounted for nearly 3,400 deaths, nearly 480,000 hospitalizations, 1.9 million emergency department visits, and 8.9 million physician office visits.

Asthma Epidemic

By BruceBlaus (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

Asthma, which affects almost 13 percent of adults, and over 29 million Americans at least once in their lives is best thought as an inflammatory condition of the airways. The airways are the passageways where air, or more specifically oxygen, gets transferred into the blood. The net effect is an obstruction or a blockade of oxygen which causes the wheezing and shortness of breath, and a sense of suffocation that occurs with a asthmatic attack. The key word in the above description is inflammatory, which alludes to the microscopic blockages where inhaled oxygen from the air we breathe is transferred to the blood.

And inflammation? Well, that’s always the manifestation of a jacked-up immune system. ALWAYS! I can think of no more fundamental concept in all of physical health. Inflammation is the way a defensive (immune) response shows up; a defensive response to some kind of stressor. And a defensive/stress response means something is getting into the body or something is happening to the body that the body perceives as an attack. In order for a DEFENES-ive response to be initiated there has to be a preceding OFFENSE-ive agent; And the main routes for an offensive agent to get into the body for a defensive response to be triggered, such as those observed with an ordinary asthmatic attack, are typically through the lungs (they are breathed in) or the digestive system (they are eaten). In the case of exercise induced asthma the stress results from the need to heat and humidify large amounts of air that enter into the lungs during exercise.

So what’s an asthmatic to do? Though the medical treatments of choice are inhalers, which are usually some kind of steroid type drug or a nervous system agent that dumbs down respiratory responsiveness or suppresses immunity. Pharmacological intervention is not without toxicity or side effects. The questions for asthmatics are: Do you really want to suppress the immune system that is so essential for protecting the body from the environment assaults, animate and inanimate Or, do you really want to dial down your nervous system that distributes the electrical energy that runs our bodies and brains?

In my opinion the best way to deal with asthma is to take a healthy, natural and multi-pronged approach. In the case of asthmatic attacks that are directly caused by something you’re eating, obviously you want to eliminate those kinds of foods. Dairy and grains are likely suspects. Sometimes legumes, including peanuts and soy, can be problematic. Even vegetables can induce an asthmatic attack in those who are predisposed. Be especially careful of the nightshades which include tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers.

In addition to avoiding foods that can trigger asthmatic attacks it’s important to reduce the load on the immune system, from non-triggering substances that simply burden the immune system without directly causing respiratory symptoms. If there are predisposing immune loads(mostly problem foods), these can contribute to the signs of inhalation asthma albeit without directly causing asthmatic symptomology. Even if it doesn’t seem like there is a connection between foods and asthmatic symptoms, foods can still PREDISPOSE even if they don’t immediately CAUSE an asthmatic attack. This is kind of tricky, because the connection between predisposing factors that weaken the immune system or burden the immune AND immediate triggers might not be obvious. You might think your asthmatic symptoms are the result of exposure to pollen, not realizing that the pollen is merely the trigger and the cause is really an overburdened immune system that is struggling to keep up with food allergens or toxins that are getting into the body on a regular basis, even if they are not causing immediate symptoms or problems. I call it the “straw-that-breaks-the-camel’s-back” effect where the inhaled substance is not the actual cause but merely the “straw-that-breaks-the-camel’s-back”. What’s worse, if you have an immune system that is burning through nutrients or if you are malnourished, either because you’re not absorbing or nor getting nutrients this undernutriation can also be a contributing factor.

Look for other indicators of immune activation. Skin problems, rashes, frequent colds, autoimmune disease are all signs. If you have any of these symptoms associate with them foods and eliminate those foods. And if you don’t have any of those symptoms, then look for digestive difficulties. And really look. Bowel movement issues and gas are especially good clues. So is heart burn. If you have any of these symptoms connect them to food and eliminate those foods. This will decrease the burden on the immune system and reduce the “straw-that-breaks-the camel’s-back-effect”.

And don’t forget to add in the digestive support nutrients including probiotics, digestive enzymes with food, glutamine powder, juices of aloe vera and noni. There are also important nutrients for the lungs and blood and immune system. Magnesium is an asthmatic’s best nutritional friend. It can help relax constricted blood vessels and strengthen the immune system too; use 1000-2000mg of the glycinate form. Vitamin C is especially important for lung health. I’d be using 100-5000 mg a day. Vitamin E is also an important respiratory nutrient. Use the tocotrienol form, 400 IU daily, for best results. Vitamin E’s cousin, CoQ10 can be helpful, use the oil soluble gel-caps and take 100mg a day. And don’t forget about Vitamin D which can provide respiratory health benefits and beef up a burdened immune system. Sun exposure is always the best way to get your Vitamin D, but if you prefer to go the supplement route, take 5,000 to 10,000 IU. And always balance out your Vitamin D supplementation with Vitamin A, which can provide its own respiratory health benefits. I’d be taking 20,000 IU of Vitamin A at least 4 or 5 days a week. It’s stored in liver so missing a day or two isn’t going to hurt. Don’t forget your EFAs especially Omega-3 s from fish oil which can have wonderfully beneficial benefits for addressing the inflammation associated with asthma. Finally, in addition to supporting digestive health, probiotics can strengthen the immune system and keep it from being so sensitive and jumpy. Take 80 billion units a day and look for products that contain multiple strains of good bacteria.

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Health

In Your Genes? So What!

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

The world of health is filled with poorly examined assumptions. It isn’t all that long ago, for example, that pasta was considered a health food. When I was growing up in the 1960’s and 70’s, margarine was known to be a healthier choice for your bread or potatoes or corn on the cob than butter. Recently the so-called “Central Dogma” has been promoted as the cause of both health and disease. The “Central Dogma” is a biochemical theory, first described by Francis Crick in the 1950s that basically states that once something is programmed genetically, it can’t be changed. In other words, once something is “in your genes”, that’s it.

GenesThere are no other points, according to the “Central Dogma”, of control for the production of proteins, for the production of chemicals, for the production of of YOU.

Now, whether or not the fact that Francis Crick was one of the guys who discovered DNA (at least that’s how the story goes), whether his role as discoverer, is important for his championing of DNA as the final determinant of how our lives and bodies show up is really besides the point. The fact is that until very recently it was the opinion of medical professionals, scientists as well the average person on the street, that our diseases are in our genes and that’s that.

If something is coded genetically cancer, for example, than cancer it is and cancer it will be. Doctors recommend the removal of organs typically the ovaries or the breasts, because of the supposed likelihood of the appearance of cancers based on genetic history. Christina Applegate’s preventive double mastectomy of a couple of years ago is just one of the more famous recent examples.

Well fortunately the days of the preeminence of the genome are quickly coming to an end. What is being recognized today by more and more health care professional as well as their patients is that the structure and components of our environment have a large role to play in what kinds of expressions are produced by our genes. It’s all part of a science called EPIGENETICS, as in superior to or above genetics. Epigenetics was mentioned in Time Magazine as one of the top ten medical discoveries of 2009 and it basically frees us from the tyranny of our genes. In other words, no longer do we have to be held hostage to our genetic history. No longer to we have to be so terrified of our DNA that we feel that our only recourse against genetic disease is to have our organs removed.

The science of epigenetics is really what The Bright Side is all about, because it gives our choices an element of importance, it gives us an element of control, and that is good news! The science of epigenetics is our key to health and vitality, because unlike the science of genetics which relegates our role in our health to an “afterthought”, because after all: “it’s in our genes”, epigenetics states that what is produced, expressed at the genetic level is connected to the lifestyle choices we make. By the choices of the foods we eat, the supplements we take and even by the thoughts we think and the emotions we feel. All these factors are predominant influences in what shows up as our bodies and as our chemistry for better or for worse, because they all effect our genes.

Dr. Bruce Lipton who was one of the earliest proponents of the theory of epigenetics actually has pictures in his book “The Biology Of Belief” of black mice who were made albino by manipulation of the mother mouse’s diet. In other words what type of offspring was produced from a genetic perspective were changed by an epigenetic manipulation, in this case the mother’s diet. This well-reported and multiply verified phenomenon should be as significant to humanity as Abraham Lincoln’s emancipation proclamation was to American slaves in the mid 19th century. This new scientific reality is in essence humanity’s emancipation from genetic slavery. It does however make our choices much more important. Epigenetics in effect makes us as conscious, volitional choice-making beings responsible for our health.

And that’s the Bright Side, that’s the good news. Yes, your genes are control points for who and what we are, for the color of our skin and eyes and hair, for the production of mutations and malfunctions as well as for the extraordinary biochemical miracle the living body produces on a nanosecond basis. But, they are not fundamental. Rather, they are flexible. And they are flexible to or responsive to superior control points. In other words there are control points above genetics, epi-genetic and many of these epigenetic points are nutritional molecules. In fact gene activity depends on a wide variety of nutrients which can function as on-off switches. What this really means is that we can literally feed our genetics, for better or for worse. The latest scientific literature shows that genetics is not a hard-wired, fixed and rigid system, but rather a flexible and responsive biochemical milieu that adapts to environmental and chemical changes during the lifetime of it owner.

This is especially true with nutrition and has given birth to a new science called “nutrigenomics”, the study of the effects of nutrition and foods on genetic expression. There’s even a peer-reviewed medical journal called “The Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics”. Just to give you a little taste (so-to speak) of what I’m talking about, recent articles studied the effects of biotin starvation on fuel metabolism genes. Another article discusses the effects of dietary flavanoids (fruits and vegetables) on inhibiting cancer promoting genes.

What seems to have happened is that as our abilities to manipulate foods has evolved over the last 100 years or so, the rising incidence of diet related diseases has sparked scientists to study the effects of foods on health. Given modern medicine’s fascination with genetics, it was only a matter of time before someone thought to examine the effects foods could have on genes. What was discovered was that nutrients literally act as signals that give cells information about what is being eaten and that information is then transferred to the genes and appropriate responses are taken. That means genes will be turned on or off.

Now, when you think about your food as genetic signals, does that at least change our opinions about what we’re eating? Now, while clearly information that relates food to genetics is just now being exposed, many observers have suspected a correlation for years. As early as the 1960s it was reported that pregnant women who were deficient in folic acid were giving birth to babies who had genetic-based birth defects. Today all pregnant woman know that they better be taking extra folic acid to prevent babies being born with Spina bifida, a horrific birth defect where infants are born with the spinal cord exposed. However the nutritional aspect of genetic health was not fully realized until the human genome project was completed and scientists began to dig deeper into the mysteries of DNA.

What was found was that the old saying “you are what you eat” has a special relevance for genetics. In large part, your genes are what you eat. What’s really scary about this is that our genes are basically the same ones that our caveman ancestors had. And those were genes that were designed to thrive on diets that were filled with protein, good fats, lots of vitamins and minerals and anti-oxidants. That’s why many of the diseases that we suffer from today are the result of the foods we’re eating. Our genes were nurtured on different foods. When our bodies are being fed by substances that our genes don’t recognize, which is what a 21st century diet is filled with, genetic health is immediately compromised. In essence, our genes are getting chemical signals that they don’t recognize.

That’s one of the reasons that diets that are high in processed foods and refined sugars and artificial sweeteners can have such negative effects on our overall health. As familiar as a hamburger and fries and a soda are to our families, they’re complete strangers to our genetics. Just calories themselves can create genetic changes as for most of humanity’s time here on planet Earth starvation was a much more common genetic fact than satiety. Last week we talked about strategies for encouraging satiety in order to overcome holiday eating. That was based on outwitting our genetic tendencies. So, what are some other DNA enhancing strategies we can use to improve our genetic health.

Well, one of the most important areas to work on when it comes to enhancing DNA health is energy as well as protection from the sparks that can fly off in the production of energy. Energy is made in specialized structures that live in cells in the thousands and nutrients that play supportive roles in energy production and protection can be very helpful in allowing genes to function optimally. One of the most important of these nutrients is Coenzyme Q10 which is involved in carrying bits of energy from one part of a chemical reaction to another part. It’s an energy shuttle or an energy carrier and deficiencies, which are somewhat common can cause defects in energy production which can lead to weakness and fatigue. Because CoQ10 in the body is made with the same chemistry that cholesterol is made with, deficiencies are a common side effect of the statin drugs. If your taking Lipitor or Mevacor or Zocor, you want to make sure that you’re supplementing with one or two hundred milligrams of CoQ10 every day.

Folks with DNA defects in the mitochondria can suffer from energy production problems and Coenzyme Q10 has been used successfully to treat many patients with these genetic disorders. In fact everyone would probably be smart to use CoQ10 on a daily basis. Even though healthy people can make CoQ10, a little extra jolt of this non-toxic supplement has been shown to improve muscle function, heart function, blood pressure, memory and even crow’s feet around the eyes when it’s applied topically. There’s at least two studies that show that folks with muscular dystrophy can benefit and there’s some literature that shows that patients with post polio syndrome may benefit as well. Alpha Lipoic Acid is also involved in energy production genetics. It suppresses the activity of factors that turn on inflammation genes so it can play an important role in improving inflammatory disorders like arthritis or autoimmune diseases. It increases and protects the genetic activity of the mitochondrial DNA resulting in more energy and it plays a critical role in the chemistry of sugar metabolism.

Diabetics would do well to be taking 200mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid every day and in fact everyone should probably be taking it on a regular basis. It’s also found in meat and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts). Because aging involves damage to mitochondrial DNA, Alpha Lipoic Acid has general anti-aging benefits as well. Recently Dr. Bruce Ames, who is considered one of the premier genetic scientists in the world, has reported that Alpha Lipoic Acid in conjunction with another nutrient, Acetyl-L-Carnitine dramatically improved and in fact reversed declining energy levels in laboratory animals.

This combination has also been shown to work in improving the activity of fat metabolism and may have weight loss implications. Acetyl-L Carnitine and its parent compound Carnitine are also found in beef and pork products and to a lesser extent dairy and fish. Acetyl L-Carnitine is carried into the brain where it helps support the manufacture of brain chemicals, so it would be wise to include it in a general anti aging protocol, maybe 1 or 2 grams a day is a good place to start. There are also nutrients that help support the manufacturing of genes, as well as their repair.

Prominent among these substances are the B-vitamins, without which, the building blocks for genes wouldn’t exist. And the B-vitamins are involved in turning genes on and off thru a process called methylation. Scientists have actually shown that fixed genetic traits like eye color and skin pigmentation can be manipulated by depriving or supplementing mothers with the B-vitamins. We talk about the B-vitamins a lot on this program and these are just more reasons to make sure your body is saturated with these substances. They’re water soluble so don’t worry about getting too much because you’ll simply excrete what you don’t use. It’s difficult to get large amount of the B’s from food, unless you’re eating farm fresh, because these substances are unstable and break down over time, especially if they’re exposed to heat or to light or to oxygen.

That’s why supplementing is important. And in liquids not pills. Powdered B’s dissolved in water are so effective that many people notice immediate clarity and boosts in energy. I like the Youngevity Beyond Tangy Tangerine, which has a got a whole host of other nutrients in their too. Then there’s the Essential Fatty Acids. Remember, in nutrition the word “essential” means it’s not made in the body so it must be obtained in the diet or supplementally. EFA’S are genetically active and in fact have been shown to reduce the incidences of several genetically dependent cancers. Specifically forms of both prostate and breast cancer were genetically modified creating reductions in their incidence when subjects were given Omega-3 fatty acids from fish. Other studies have demonstrated the effects of dietary fats on liver genes.

So clearly appropriate fat intake is an important part of genetic health. Then there’s Vitamin E, which protects genes anti oxidants can disable genes in cancer cells. Selenium supports cancer suppression genes. Then there are the phytonutrients in plants, fruits and vegetables. Sulfides in garlic and onions, phytates in beans and grains, glucarates in tomatoes and citrus fruits, lignans in flax and seseme, and other seeds, isoflavones in legumes, indoles in broccoli and cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables, ellagic acid in grapes and berries, Bioflavanoids and carotenoids found in algae and seaweed and almost all fruits and vegetables have been shown to modify gene expression and to protect against degenerative and age-related diseases. Human detoxification enzymes can be genetically modified to improve their performance and increase their numbers, AT THE GENETIC LEVEL! That means better detoxification of poisons. Vegetables are loaded with these substances. The cruciferous vegetable are especially important in this regard, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, but all plant materials contain some phytonutrients that up the production of detoxification and anti-cancer genetics.

More and more we are seeing that nutrient intake plays a large role in the activity of what was until now thought to be a largely independent realm of biochemistry. In fact many scientists and nutritionists the diets of the future will probably be individually designed to maximize the health of specific genetic profiles. For now however, nutrigenomics is just another instance and example of how critical nutrition is maintain health and wellness even if something is in your family history or, “in your genes”.


Posted by Ben Fuchs in Health

Top 12 Heart Nutrients Part 2

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, nearly one in 5 Americans is dealing with some form of heart disease. Much of this is needless suffering and can be alleviated with appropriate life style strategies.

Exercise is important. So is making good food choices and being a non-smoker. But there is nothing more important than getting on a good nutritional supplement program. Last post we listed the first part of the top 12 supplements for cardiovascular health.

Heart NutrientsWe conclude with Top 12 Heart Nutrients Part 2 below. For more detailed information make sure to listen to The Bright Side on the Genesis Communication Network, daily 8 to 9 PST, 11-12 EST (The Bright Side).

Omega 3s –thin the blood and relax blood vessels allowing for more blood flow and oxygen to the heart. Provide well-researched and dramatic protection against cardiovascular disease and fatal heart attacks. Reduces inflammation and may improve blood fats and cholesterol too. Fish oil works but Krill Oil may be
even better.

CoQ10 –super vita-nutrient for the heart. Used by cardiac cells to produce energy and as a defense against rogue oxygen “sparks”. Thousands of studies show protection against all forms of heart disease.May help lower blood pressure too. Look for oil-soluble gel caps.

B Vitamins –protection from cardio-toxic homocysteine. Intimate involvement in energy production chemistry make these nutrient absolutely indispensable for protection against all forms of heart disease. Vitamin B3 helps lower triglycerides and cholesterol too. Water-soluble format leads to rapid excretion and potential deficiencies.Dissolve in liquid and drink them all day long for maximum benefits.

Carnitine – take as L-Carnitine or for maximum cardiac benefits as Propionyl L-Carnitine. A must-have supplement for all form of heart disease.Critical for the production of energy from fat (fat-burning) by cardiac cells.Numerous studies demonstrate benefits for coronary artery disease as well as myocardial ischemia (lack of blood flow to the heart).

Vitamin E – provides vital cardiac protection from oxidized (rancid) cholesterol plaques.Thins blood and helps maintain heart oxygenation.Reduces free radical activity in heart.Take as both tocopherols and tocotrienols (mixed tocopherols and mixed tocotrienols) in mixed format for best results.Especially important for smokers and as protection from a second heart attack.

Chromium – low levels associated with increased risk of heart attacks.Chromium deficient diabetics especially at risk for heart attacks.Critical role in sugar metabolism provides benefits for the cardiovascular system.May improve high blood pressure too.Niacin bound form (chromium polynicotinate) most effective for protection from heart disease.

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Nutrition