

Chapter 1 Proteins

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

Proteins are complex molecules made up of individual building blocks called amino acids. While these individual sub-components have powerful health effects as individual molecules, there is no nutritional substance more important than those that emerge from stringing those amino acids together and forming proteins.

The word protein is derived from Latin where it refers to primary importance. There are anywhere from 50-200,000 different proteins in the body, which vary basedon their amino acid sequence, and this enormous number gives the protein structure it’s mind-boggling versatility. 75-80% of the dry weight of the body is protein and this includes enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, muscle, bone, teeth and tissue. All of the proteins of the body are custom designed for individual needs and built up from smaller building-block components called amino acids.

Proteins are synthesized originally from plants utilizing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen which are ubiquitous and nitrogen which must be extracted from the soils or from so called nitrogen-fixing bacteria which attach themselves to roots and do the extracting work for the plant. Animals then obtain their protein by eating plants or other animals. When the animal expires, the nitrogen from the proteins return to the earth where it is recycled into further protein production. In addition, one of the primary roles of dietary protein is to supply the body with nitrogen.

All foods can be thought of as being comprised of two categories of substance. Macronutrient (protein, fats and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements). Micronutrients serve to support utilization of macronutrients. And macronutrient’s main function is to help to produce the most critical substance in the body…protein! That’s right, as critical as fats and carbohydrates are, their main role is to stimulate the production of proteins. As we live and age our body is constantly breaking down. Fortunately, when we are thriving, this break down initiates a building up process and the life force that is responsible for this process is mediated by protein. The secret of health and “young-gevity” is to make sure that there are enough protein building blocks present to allow the formation of more cells and tissue as old cells and tissue die off. While some protein building blocks can be manufactured, many cannot. Thus the importance of generous and strategic ingestion of dietary protein.

When it comes to dietary protein, the most important thing to recognize is that not all dietary proteins are equally valuable. The measurement of protein value is referred to as “biological value” or BV and is measured on a scale of 1-100. The biological value of a given protein is based on the relationship between protein consumed and protein excreted. This gives an indication of how much consumed protein actually remains within the body to do work.

The so called “BV scale” features eggs as a perfect 100 with beef protein around 80, soy around 70 and wheat around 50. But the standout protein based on biological value is whey protein which scores a 104; it’s literally off the charts. And whey protein isolates, which are processed to reduce fats and lactose (as well as, unfortunately, many of the health-supporting, bioactive compounds found in the concentrated form) score an incredible 154! And whey protein is not only important because of it’s biological value.

Proteins are large molecules that are composed of smaller biding blocks called amino acids. Typically those composed of smaller groups of amino acids are called peptides 2-9 amino acids) and larger combinations (1-2000 amino acids long) are referred to as polypeptide or proteins. The link between amino acids is referred to as a peptide bond. The bulk of the human body (after water is removed) is composed of protein. There are subdivided into two types: fibrous and globular.

Fibrous proteins are elongated and insoluble in water. They play a structural and supportive role and are also involved in movement. The human body is held together by the action of fibrous proteins of collagen is the prototype (the precursor “colla-“ is Latin for glue) which is the most abundant protein in the human body, (almost 25% of the human body’s protein is collagen) , and possibly the most abundant protein on earth. There are at least 20 different types of human collagen similar in structure but different in distribution. In skin and connective tissue, collagen is found with a fibrous protein called elastin which as its name implies, has a highly elastic nature ( an elastin fiber can stretch 5 times as much as a rubber band!). When combined with the rigid nature of collagen the resulting networked matrix can provide strong support and resistance with flexible contractility. Collagen also forms about 1/3 of bone, where in combination with minerals like calcium, magnesium and zinc it forms a powerfully resilient composite capable of mild flexibility and distortion.

A good rule of thumb for daily protein requirements is about ½ to 1 gram per pound of body weight. If you’re healing or exercising or under unusual stress you need more. Women who are pregnant also have higher protein requirements. You will find yourself craving sweets when you need more protein. The next time you have a hankering for a candy bar or a glass of apple juice, try some dense protein (eggs or powdered whey protein, for example) instead. When you’ve ingested enough protein, your sweet craving will disappear. Just think about how often you crave sweets on a typical day, and that should give you an idea of how much daily protein your body is required!

The best way to meet your protein need on a daily basis is smoothies. Try mixing protein powder with ice cold distilled water and essential fatty acids (more on EFAs later). Crack a raw egg in and add a couple of frozen organic strawberries. If you want to more sweetener try xylitol or stevia. Cocoa powder will make it chocolaty and vanilla extract will spike the chocolate flavor. The smoothie format is filling and easy to prepare. And it allows you to get a high concentration of protein. (30-40 grams easily).

The best time to take your protein supplement (or ideally, smoothie) is after working out. The body is “’primed” for the absorption of all nutrients after it’s been stimulated, and this is especially true of proteins. Later, when we talk about amino acids, we will discover that this priming function is especially significant with these protein building blocks. The next best time is bedtime. This will allow for more effective tissue regeneration and healing as well as improved hormonal production, all of which occur at night. The third best time is at breakfast , as pm healing and growth can cause nutrient depletion. Of course, during the day protein supplementation can help stave off munchies and/or the tendency to snack on sweets. Remember, protein requirements are often disguised as sweet cravings.

Proteins are large molecules that are composed of smaller biding blocks called amino acids. Typically those composed of smaller groups of amino acids are called peptides 2-9 amino acids) and larger combinations (1-2000 amino acids long) are referred to as polypeptide or proteins. The link between amino acids is referred to as a peptide bond. The bulk of the human body (after water is removed) is composed of protein. There are subdivided into two types: fibrous and globular.

Fibrous proteins are elongated and insoluble in water. They play a structural and supportive role and are also involved in movement. The human body is held together by the action of fibrous proteins of collagen is the prototype (the precursor “colla-“ is Latin for glue) which is the most abundant protein in the human body, (almost 25% of the human body’s protein is collagen) , and possibly the most abundant protein on earth. There are at least 20 different types of human collagen similar in structure but different in distribution. In skin and connective tissue, collagen is found with a fibrous protein called elastin which as its name implies, has a highly elastic nature ( an elastin fiber can stretch 5 times as much as a rubber band!). When combined with the rigid nature of collagen the resulting networked matrix can provide strong support and resistance with flexible contractility. Collagen also forms about 1/3 of bone, where in combination with minerals like calcium, magnesium and zinc it forms a powerfully resilient composite capable of mild flexibility and distortion.

Perhaps due to the popularity, as well as the glut of products in the health food marketplace, their seems to be some confusion around some whey supplements. To clarify, whey protein is a blend of globular proteins derived from whey, which is in turn a by-product milk that is leftover from cheese production. There are three main types of whey protein supplements: whey protein concentrate which has the highest concentration of non-protein bioactive compounds (more on these substances later) whey protein isolate, which has been processed (via microfiltration or “ion exchange”) to remove fats and lactose but contains over 90% protein and whey protein hydrolysate, which has been partially digested for ease of absorbtion. The isolate and hydrolysate forms may be easier to use if allergies or digestive issues are a factor. For most folks whey protein concentrates, which are the least processed, serve as an effective protein source and the additional benefits of non protein bioactive compounds that support the immune system and act as natural ant-biotics as well as a significantly lower cost are a plus. Also, whenever it comes to proteins (and food in general) less processing is usually better. Look for new Zealand whey as this enlightened country has a great respect for dairy products and minimezes (or avoids) the use of hormones and anti-biotics.

Now while proteins come in over 100,000 forms they are all built up from around 20 components called amino acids. You can think of amino acids like beads on a string and the proteins as the final necklace. The functionality of the protein necklace depends upon its amino acid beads. The term amino refers to the ammonium molecule which can be found somewhere in an amino acid and the acid refers to the portion of the amino acid that is (logically) acidic. According to Eric Braverman, who has written extensively on amino acids, when the when the acidic portion is removed the remaining amine can function as a messenger in the nervous system, and when the amine portion is removed, the remaining acid can be used in numerous biochemical processes including detoxification and energy production.


Now you can sit back, relax and watch the “The 8 Chapters of Good Nutrition” on video.

Posted by Ben Fuchs in 8 Chapters of Good Nutrition, Nutrition

Top 12 Heart Nutrients Part 2

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, nearly one in 5 Americans is dealing with some form of heart disease. Much of this is needless suffering and can be alleviated with appropriate life style strategies.

Exercise is important. So is making good food choices and being a non-smoker. But there is nothing more important than getting on a good nutritional supplement program. Last post we listed the first part of the top 12 supplements for cardiovascular health.

Heart NutrientsWe conclude with Top 12 Heart Nutrients Part 2 below. For more detailed information make sure to listen to The Bright Side on the Genesis Communication Network, daily 8 to 9 PST, 11-12 EST (The Bright Side).

Omega 3s –thin the blood and relax blood vessels allowing for more blood flow and oxygen to the heart. Provide well-researched and dramatic protection against cardiovascular disease and fatal heart attacks. Reduces inflammation and may improve blood fats and cholesterol too. Fish oil works but Krill Oil may be
even better.

CoQ10 –super vita-nutrient for the heart. Used by cardiac cells to produce energy and as a defense against rogue oxygen “sparks”. Thousands of studies show protection against all forms of heart disease.May help lower blood pressure too. Look for oil-soluble gel caps.

B Vitamins –protection from cardio-toxic homocysteine. Intimate involvement in energy production chemistry make these nutrient absolutely indispensable for protection against all forms of heart disease. Vitamin B3 helps lower triglycerides and cholesterol too. Water-soluble format leads to rapid excretion and potential deficiencies.Dissolve in liquid and drink them all day long for maximum benefits.

Carnitine – take as L-Carnitine or for maximum cardiac benefits as Propionyl L-Carnitine. A must-have supplement for all form of heart disease.Critical for the production of energy from fat (fat-burning) by cardiac cells.Numerous studies demonstrate benefits for coronary artery disease as well as myocardial ischemia (lack of blood flow to the heart).

Vitamin E – provides vital cardiac protection from oxidized (rancid) cholesterol plaques.Thins blood and helps maintain heart oxygenation.Reduces free radical activity in heart.Take as both tocopherols and tocotrienols (mixed tocopherols and mixed tocotrienols) in mixed format for best results.Especially important for smokers and as protection from a second heart attack.

Chromium – low levels associated with increased risk of heart attacks.Chromium deficient diabetics especially at risk for heart attacks.Critical role in sugar metabolism provides benefits for the cardiovascular system.May improve high blood pressure too.Niacin bound form (chromium polynicotinate) most effective for protection from heart disease.

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Nutrition

Top 12 Heart Nutrients Part 1

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

Last post we defined some of the common terms associated with heart disease. Now, for some of the important nutrients you can take to protect your heart and avoid the cardiologist’s office or even worse, his knife! And, to keep you off the especially dangerous drugs. Cardiac and circulatory drugs are among the most toxic and deadliest of the entire prescription pharmacopeia. If you’re on medication now, you can ask you can ask (or even better insist!) that your physician wean you off your meds and get you on some non-toxic, good nutrition. And if you’re not on meds, there is nothing like a good diet and supplement strategy to keep you far away from the pharmacy for heart meds or anything else.

Heart Nutrients

By Rahul Sharma (Annayu) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

In no particular order, here’s the first 6:

Vitamin C– this powerful nutrient sometimes gets overlooked when it comes to
cardiovascular health. Animals (except for humans, some other primates and guinea pigs) all make their own Vitamin C and animals (except for humans, some other primates and guinea pigs) don’t get heart attacks!

Magnesium – keeping blood from becoming sticky and blood sugar control are just two of
the mechanisms associated with this under-appreciated and often time deficient
mineral protects the heart. Some scientists believe that the cardiovascular benefits attributed to aspirin should have be credited to the magnesium found in the “Bufferin” that was used in the original studies.

Selenium– Known as the heart mineral, selenium deficiencies are also somewhat common
and numerous studies show that supplementation can deliver many cardiovascular
benefits. It’s especially helpful in protecting the heart form low levels of oxygen and it’s protective against heavy metal poisoning of heart cells. Deficienciesare associated with Keshan Disease, a particular fatal form of cardiomyopathy.

Arginine –protects the cardiovascular health in so many ways, it’s a must-have for anyone concerned about heart disease. Lowers blood cholesterol very effectively, especially in high doses (10 to 15 grams a day), improves coronary , as well as general circulation and lowers high blood pressure. Helps prevent blood clots and helps strengthen heart muscle. Very important for angina suffererers. In Europe and Japan it is injected directly by cardiologists to reopen blocked circulation.

Vitamin K – helps maintain clotting balance, especially when using Vitamin E. Protective against hardening of the arteries and calcium regulation function helps maintain heart rhythm and
contractility. Use with medical guidance when taking blood thinning medication like Plavix or warfarin.

Taurine – Helps lower blood pressure and improves the excretion of excess fluid which
takes pressure off of blood vessels. Strengthens heart muscle and helps maintain calcium balance in heart cells. Critical in maintaining heart muscle

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Nutrition

Think Zinc! Part 2

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

Last post we discussed all the ways zinc and the lack of it can affect the body. Skin clarity, bone health and immune system integrity are just some of the ways this essential nutrient can impact health. Taking a daily 50mg dose of zinc can help prevent and reduce the duration of colds (as I write this post, there’s a television commercial running that promotes the use of a cold remedy called “Cold-Eeze” which contains a small amount of zinc gluconate), eliminate acne and improve eczema. Zinc’s powerful hormone balancing properties can help improve prostate health and prevent male pattern baldness. And zinc is important for the health of sperm cells and may improve male fertility. All in all, zinc is important for hundreds of different biochemical reactions; this stuff is amazing!

Think ZincThat’s what I mean when I talk about the importance of nutritional supplementation. Think about the leverage here: one little pill with 50mg of Zinc in it (about the amount of zinc that would fit on the head of a pin) can control and stabilize and spark several hundred chemical processes in the body. Now that is some serious clout!

And, the most incredible part is how little 50mg of zinc costs. What would you expect to pay for a (magic) pill that could keep hair on your head, cure your acne, strengthen your bones, build your immunity, enhance your digestion, improve the function of your heart and help you think more effectively? And, with no downside when taken as directed. Would you expect to pay 100 dollars for a month supply? It would be worth it! In fact, for all those benefits, 100 dollars a month would be an incredible bargain. Well, surprise, surprise! A 30 day supply of zinc at a health food store will typically cost less than 5 bucks!

You can tell if you’re deficient in zinc by doing the “zinc taste test”. You can use a solution of zinc sulfate and water (available online) or you can place a zinc sulfate tablet on your tongue. If you’re not instantly repelled by a strong metallic taste chances are pretty good that you’re suffering from a lack of zinc.

The best way to get zinc into the body is supplementally in the picolinate and monomethionine forms. These are available in most health food stores, but they are harder to find at drug stores where the typical forms available are zinc gluconate and zinc sulfate. The bio-availability of these cheaper zinc varieties is less than satisfactory and many people find that they can cause nausea or other digestive distress. A good daily dose is 50mg a day and once you get going you can skip a day or two here and there. Interestingly the signs of zinc deficiency (such as acne, hair loss, frequent colds and flues) can be duplicated by taking too much zinc (100mg a day is too much). It’s also important to note than there is an antagonistic relationship between zinc and copper and it’s probably a good idea to take 2 mg of copper with every 50mg of zinc. Look for chelate or glycinate forms of copper which are easily handled by the body.

For those of you who want to try to obtain zinc through diet, in addition to the aforementioned oysters and the Rocky Mountain variety, the best sources include liver, lamb, venison, and sesame and pumpkin seeds. However, it should be noted than even then highest zinc concentration foods provide only 10mg or so per serving.

-Zinc deficiency is relatively common.
-It’s important for hundreds of different biochemical systems to work

-The zinc taste test can alert you to deficiencies.
-Deficiencies can show up in dozens of different ways including depressed immunity, bone problems, skin rashes, eczema and acne, digestive distress and hormone issues.-The zinc taste test can alert you to deficiencies.
-All you need is a couple cents worth of zinc (50mg a day) to meet your zinc requirements and prevent the signs of deficiency.

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Nutrition

Think Zinc! Part 1

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

In Dr. Ananda PrasadIn’s seminal book “The Biochemistry of Zinc”, the nutritional chemist’s go-to guide for all things zinc, there is ample picture proof of the tragedy of deficiencies in the super, unbelievable important mineral. Page after page of photographs taken of children and adults who suffer from nutritional lack of zinc depict the impact of deprivation of this vital nutrient. Stunted growth, skin lesions, hair loss, wasting away syndromes, where the body becomes emaciated and frail, are all vividly portrayed. And zinc deficiency can cause less dramatic health problems too: immunity, skin and bone, the brain, the eye, reproductive and general hormone health, and blood sugar balance and insulin and digestive integrity largely depend on the presence of this incredibly important nutritional metal.

Think ZincThe scariest thing about zinc deficiency is its frequency, which makes it one of the most significant and widespread nutritional deficiencies in the world. 1 out 3 people world-wide is at risk for zinc deficiency and in developing countries, where cereals and grains (which contain zinc-binding compounds and are often-times grown on zinc deficient soils) provide the bulk of caloric intake, it is the 5th leading risk for disease.

Zinc is involved in over 200 different enzyme systems in the body. In other words, if there is any manner of deficiency, literally hundreds of biological systems will be operating at less than peak efficiency. The net result of zinc deficiency is a body that is dramatically less effective at growing, repairing and cogitating and is less able to perform, thrive and resist stress and disease.

Zinc is a key component of the body’s wound healing system. This can be especially helpful pre and post surgery. And, one of the best ways to help heal a sore throat and shorten the duration of a cold or a flu) is to suck on zinc lozenges. Most people notice relief within a day.

Zinc may be the single most important nutrient for acne-prone skin. In a laboratory, acneic lesions can be induced in animals by creating zinc deficiencies. Anyone who suffers from acne or acne-like blemishes should consider add a daily 50mg dose of zinc to well-rounded supplement program.

Pregnant women would be especially wise to watch out for zinc deficiencies. Not only does the developing fetus benefit from this critical nutrient, but deficiencies are associated with the development of stretch marks. And mothers to-be should be aware that there is scientific literature that indicates that zinc deficiency may persist for generations. In an article published in the journal “Science”, test animals who were deprived of zinc demonstrated a depressed immune system that persisted for 3 generations! Men get special benefits too. Supplementing with zinc is one of the best ways to protect the prostate. It’s important for improving sperm count, semen is especially rich in zinc. And, zinc’s supportive role in testosterone metabolism has given the mineral a well-deserved reputation as nutritional support for libido. Perhaps this accounts for the notoriety that oysters and the Colorado variety, Rocky Mountain oysters (which are both relatively high zinc) get for being aphrodisiacs.

Zinc is plays a critical part brain function and mental health. It’s been used to treat autism, ADHD and depression. Low levels in children have been associated with learning disabilities. In the 1970’s Dr. Carl Pfeiffer reported that zinc supplementation, when taken with Vitamin B6 was 95% per cent successful in treating certain types of schizophrenia.

There’s an important relationship between zinc and vitamin A. Zinc is required for Vitamin A to be activated and transported in the body. In the absence of zinc, Vitamin A deficiency is sure to follow. Vitamin A is required for eye, skin, bone, and heart and brain health and is also an important part of the immune system. In other words, in addition to all of the problems directly associated with a lack of zinc, deprivation of this key mineral can also induce a long list of Vitamin A deficiency symptoms as well.

We’ll continue with some practical ways to maintain Zinc health in a coming post…

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Nutrition