Ben Fuchs

Ben Fuchs is a nutritional pharmacist from Colorado. He specializes in using nutritional supplements when other healthcare practitioners use toxic pharmaceutical drugs.He is the founder and formulator of Truth Treatment Systems for skin care, host of The Bright Side syndicated radio show, a member of Youngevity's Scientific Advisory Board, health expert and frequent guest on Coast to Coast am with George Noory."The human body is a healing and regenerating system, designed divinely to heal & renew itself on a moment to moment basis." "Take charge of your biochemistry through foods and supplements, rather than allow toxic prescription drugs to take charge of you." ~Ben Fuchs
Ben Fuchs is a nutritional pharmacist from Colorado. He specializes in using nutritional supplements when other healthcare practitioners use toxic pharmaceutical drugs.He is the founder and formulator of Truth Treatment Systems for skin care, host of The Bright Side syndicated radio show, a member of Youngevity's Scientific Advisory Board, health expert and frequent guest on Coast to Coast am with George Noory."The human body is a healing and regenerating system, designed divinely to heal & renew itself on a moment to moment basis." "Take charge of your biochemistry through foods and supplements, rather than allow toxic prescription drugs to take charge of you." ~Ben Fuchs

This is Important

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

When I find myself in fear mode, or angry, resentful, bitter or thinking/feeling crappy in any way, (and these days it seems easier and easier to enter into these less than empowering states) I use these negative feelings as a cue to step back into a watching, observer state. And what is usually being observed is that all feelings are linked to the endless, non-stop churning of the mental machinery, the robotic, automatic spewing of this mysterious “thing” called thought/feeling. Now, I understand the power and importance of thought/feeling. And I am not trying to marginalize it’s power for construction and fulfillment. But thought/feeling can be like an unruly beast of burden. Sure it can do some good work, but when it goes into its habitual and automatic mode, (which is a function of its primary survival imperative; a good thing!) it is not operating in its owner’s interest.

Important Thinking
Thus it is critical that when negative thoughts/feelings kick in, that we take a pause, and observe carefully the movement of thought/feeling as it arises and (as it inevitably must) falls. Separate yourself from this movement by watching. Observe closely its activity and realize that this robotic process has enthralled and enslaved you for your entire life. As you make this realization, a sense of power will come over you. You will, for at least a moment, feel a sense of a potential freedom and power, that has heretofore been completely unsuspected.

Ask yourself: at this moment do I have enough air? Water? Am I starving? What you will realize is that, for the vast majority of us, all of the basic needs for our survival are being met. You may not have enough money for your dream home or even to pay your basic bills. You may not be able to pay for your an operation or for the prescription drugs that you need. And, you may not be able to pay your rent. There may be a radioactive plume heading straight for your cozy little hamlet or home, but not only are you probably OK now, but more importantly, negative feelings of fear, anger, worry etc. SERVE NO PURPOSE! They aren’t going to stop the plume or help pay your rent, but they will, and this is important, diminish your ability to create solutions to your so-called problems!! So what is their point? There is no point! And that is the point! They are an automatic formula (cognitive scientists call it a heuristic), that is built into the lower structures of the brain. Sort of like software that is built into the operating system of your computer. It designed to allow you to survive an encounter with a saber tooth tiger, but it is counterproductive for solving the complex 21st century problems that we all face.

In order to function in our modern world, we need to understand the concept of poise. Of grace under fire, and the only way to accomplish this is by separating ourselves for automatic thought/feelings that generate worry, sadness, anger and the rest of the plethora of negative emotion that are available at all times. Step back, even for just a moment and watch the mental machinery as it churns. You might even reassure the machine that all is really OK and the net effect will be an enhanced ability to deal with everything that comes your way.

Oh yeah, and don’t forget to breathe! 😀

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Perspective

Clearing up the Iodine Confusion – How Much Iodine

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

How much iodine to take?

Here’s the relevant facts as I see it on Iodine. I’m going to break this down as simply a I can. Keep in mind there is not a ton of peer-reviewed literature and opinion among the expert vary as to how much iodine and what type of iodine we need. With that caveat in mind I will now wade into the fray! For those of you who do not want the juicy details I will summarize the salient points:IodineThe RDA is 150 MICROgrams and you’ll find that in most good multivitamin sources and tinctures and capsules based on kelp and other herbal materials. This is what is found on most internet sites and health food stores. Although this is a bare minimum dose it is what most physicians and pharmacists are most comfortable with. In my opinion, this is bare bones iodine supplementation.

The so-called Japanese dose of 12.5 to 13 MILLIgrams a day of one of the iodine forms (Potasssium Iodide, Iodine/Potassium Iodide or Potassium Iodate) is probably where you want to be for most nutritional requirements. It is very safe and considered optimal based on the good health of the Japanese who get around this amount on a daily basis. Keep in mind most forms of iodine contain some non-iodine material (Potassium, Oxygen). According to Dr. Michael B. Schacter of the Schacter Center for Complementary Medicine, in iodine deficiency states it can take up to a year to become sufficient in iodine using this dose.

Nascent Iodine Detoxadine

  • Nascent iodine is the most effective supplemental form of iodine. It is an atomic form of iodine with an incomplete number of electrons, giving it a high electromagnetic charge. The body can absorb and use nascent iodine easily for metabolic and detoxification processes.
  • Detoxadine is nano-colloidal nascent iodine. It is produced with a transformative bio-elemental matrix and, with a glycerin base, is designed to be more gentle on your digestive system than iodine supplements that contain alcohol.
  • It's created from 300 million-year-old salt deposits located more than 7,000 feet below the earth's surface. It is an extremely pure nascent iodine that is both concentrated and free of additives and toxins. Each drop is loaded with 650 micrograms iodine and it's screened for radiation.

Detoxadine Nascent Iodine

If you want to go crazy and take a higher dose, for non-emergencies, 30-50 MILLIgrams, in my opinion, is as high as you should go. It’s probably safe (although no one know for sure), but be vigilant for hyperthyroid or hypothyroid symptoms. Signs of hyperthyroidism include oily or sweaty skin, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, jitteriness,bulging eyes and signs of hypothyroidism include sluggishness, low blood pressure, dry skin, cold extremities, fatigue and hair loss . In iodine deficiency conditions, again according to Dr. Schacter, it can take several months to become sufficient taking this kind of dose.

Ben Fuchs Video:

How Much Potassium Iodine Should I Take?

The 130 MILLIgram dose (and some people are suggesting 150 MILLIGRAMS!) is extremely high and not required for most iodine needs. It is considered an emergency dose for those who live near a site of large release of radioactive iodine-131. According to the CDC a single 130 MILLIgram dose of Potassium Iodide protects the thyroid for 24 hours. Keep in mind, too much iodine can be a problem and, for whatever it’s worth, this is not a dose I can recommend for other than an emergency. That beng said, there are physicians who are on record saying that higher doses, even gram amounts (1 gram = 1000 MILLIgrams) can be used therapeutically for cancer and other life threatening health issues for short periods of time.

Now for those of you who want more details…

There are 5 ways to supplement with iodine:

1) SSKI which contains Potassium Iodide and is 76.5% iodide. That means that for every 1gram of potassium iodide you are getting 765mg of iodide. The way the math works out, you will be getting 333mg of potassium iodide per 5 drops which is about 250mg of iodide. This works out to 50mg of iodide per drop. Thus, 2 drops will contain 100mg of iodide which is the equivalent of the iodide obtained from a 130mg KI tablet. To sum up: 2 drops SSKI gives you the heroic dose for protection from radiation poisoning

Now Potassium plus Iodine

Now Potassium plus Iodine
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container: 180
Iodine (from Potassium Iodide) 225 mcg
Sodium (from Sodium Alginate) 5 mg
Potassium (from Potassium Chloride and Iodide) 99 mg
Sodium Alginate 100 mg
Free of: starch, gluten, wheat, yeast, corn, soy, milk or preservatives.

2) KI (Potassium Iodide) tablets which like SSKI is 76.5% iodide. A 130mg tablet of KI provides around 100mg of iodine and 30 mg of potassium

Iodoral High Potency
Iodoral High Potency


Total IodineIodide (12.5 mg, 8333%), Iodine (5 mg), iodide as potassium salt (7.5 mg)


Take one Tablet per day or as directed by a physician

3) Lugol's Solution which is standardized to 10% iodine, although due to FDA interference most Lugol’s today is 4% or 2% strength. Nevertheless, we will base the math on the traditional 10% Lugol’s formulation. This is a combination iodine product made with Potassium Iodide (76.5% iodide) and Elemental Iodine. The way the math works on this one, 2 drops of Lugol’s is the equivalent 13mg dose of an Iodine/Potassium Iodide blend. Because some of that iodide is in a potassium iodide format, which contains some potassium, somewhat less than 13mg is going to be iodine. After all is said and done this nets a total around 11gm of iodine per 2 drops. And, this allows the patient to have the benefit of both iodine and iodide, although this is a less relevant concern for people using Lugol’s for radiation protection. This means that around 24 drops of Lugol’s 10% solution is require to deliver the 130mg dose required for radiation protection.

4) Iodoral Tablets and Iodizyme-HP tablets are available as 12.5mg strength. Like Lugol’s Solution, they are a blend of potassium iodide and iodine (in a 60 to 40 ratio) so that a 12.5mg dose (due to potassium concentration) like Lugol’s solution will contain less than 12.5mg iodine. The math works out to a little less than 11mg of iodine. Thus 12 tablets would be required to give you the protective does equivalent of 130mg of Potassium Iodide.

Nature's Herbs Sea Kelp
Sea Kelp
Nature's Herbs Sea Kelp

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 1Capsule

Servings Per Container: 100

Amount Per Capsule:

Bladderwrack (Sea Kelp) 640mgOther Ingredients:

Gelatin, Purified Water, MCT, Vitamin E, And Rosemary Oil As Natural FreshCare Preservatives.

5) Then there are the Kelp and herbal based tinctures which are mostly formulated to provide MICROgram amounts (which differ by a factor of 1000 from the MILLIgram amounts we have been discussing; they are usually formulated to provide the RDA levels of 130 MICROgrams a day). Although they are standardized to Potassium Iodide levels they contain colloidal iodine, which is a unique form of iodine. It may be more effective than other forms, but the small concentration mandates require serious mega-dosing to reach even optimal doses. The heroic dose for protection from nuclear iodine fallout, for example, would necessitate taking 866 drops to reach the 130 MILLIgram levels suggested for protection from radioactive I-131.

There are 5 main forms of Iodine:

1) Potassium Iodide - This is the standard form of iodide delivery. It is the form suggested in the literature for protection from radioactive Iodine 131. It is 76.5% iodine, the remaining 23.5% being composed of potassium.

2) Potassium Iodate - is I03. This means it is 1 molecule of potassium with one molecule of iodine associated covalently with 3 molecules of oxygen. It is considered to be 60% iodide. The remaining 40% being composed of oxygen and potassium.

3 and 4) Iodine and Iodide- although used synonymously they are electrically different. Iodide is reduced or negatively charged iodine. And iodine is the active element is its uncharged state. Some literature suggests that different people and conditions respond differently to iodide and iodine. If you are using a blend (Lugol's or Ioderol or Iodizyme HP) you're getting both forms and that seems to me to be a better option than just the iodide form (as in SSKI or KI) , although general consensus among the experts is mixed.

5) Colloidal iodine is food based iodine and is the form available for herbal and kelp based tinctures and tablets and capsules.

There are basically 4 doses of iodine taken for 4 different reasons:

1) there is the RDA dose which is 110-150 micrograms (NOT milligrams) a day of iodine (220 micrograms for pregnant and 290 micrograms for lactating women). Many kelp or food/herb based capsules and tinctures contain 150 micrograms (NOT milligrams) per drop and are based on delivering the RDA dose. They are NOT formulated for heroic dosing for emergencies.

2) there is the optimum dose, which is based on the traditional thyroid health of the Japanese which is 12.5 to 13.0 milligrams (NOT micrograms) a day.

3) there is the protective dose which is 50 milligrams (NOT micrograms) a day of iodine

4) there is the "heroic" emergency dose which is 130 milligrams (NOT micrograms) a day of iodine, which 866 times the RDA and would require 866 drops (or capsules) of a formulation that contains 150 micrograms per drop (or capsule)

Several other important points include:

No one really knows how much iodine is needed for good health or protection or total saturation in an emergency condition. It's mostly speculation and there isn't much research available.

Remember: not all iodine preparations contain the same concentrations of active iodine.

You can take too much iodine! A 130 milligram daily dose is a lot and one probably shouldn't be on that much iodine for much more than a month, although I must stress this is still guesswork. If you do take high concentrations of iodine, be vigilant for any unusual symptomology. Hyperthyroidism (oily or sweaty skin, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, jitteriness, bulging eyes are some symptoms) or hypothyroidism (sluggishness, dry skin, cold extremities, fatigue, hair loss ) are the most typical problems. I wish I could be more definitive, but everyone is different and there simply isn't a lot of research literature.

Iodine supplements only protects against radioactive iodine NOT plutonium or cesium or other radioactive fallout materials.

Iodine is important for adrenal, ovarian, breast pancreatic and all endocrine (hormone) gland function, not just the thyroid.

Iodine improves insulin response.

All the cells in the body use iodine.

Iodine is protective against toxicity from bromine, fluoride and chlorine.

Unless it is being taken for emergency protection or treatment, the best way to initiate an iodine supplementation program is by starting at lower daily doses and gradually increasing to higher doses.

There is more to radiation protection than just iodine. Use anti-oxidants, selenium, sulfur, N-Acetyl Cysteine and sea vegetables are among many other substances for all around protection.

Best food sources of iodine in addition to kelp include dairy, meat and eggs.

Ingestible clays can be protective Get some bentonite or kaolin and put 1 or 2 teaspoonful in a glass of water and drink it down on a daily basis. it's great for diarrhea and overall detoxification too! And it's a source of minerals.

Chlorophyll drops can be helpful as a chelating (protecting) agent. Also high chlorophyll vegetation like chlorella and spirulina can be helpful. Possibly green drink products made with veggie powders (organic is always best) can be used. Green tea may also be helpful.

[See also: Iodine Deficiency]

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Health

No More Psoriasis EVER!

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

Well, based on the large number of e-mails I’ve received in the past few weeks, it seems like lots of people are dealing with psoriasis. So in the interest of helping as many people as I can without having to make a thousand phone calls, I thought I’d dedicate this post to sure-fire nutritional stratagies for eliminating this troubling skin condition. Before I give you some ideas however, I want to make two points very clear: #1 psoriasis is completely treatable once the causes are addressed and #2 psoriasis is only the outer the manifestation of an internal biochemical issue that MUST be addressed to prevent inevitable degenerative systemic disease that can cause much more than cosmetic distress. PsoriasisIn other words, psoriasis sufferers are at higher risk for cancer, heart disease, arthritis and many other degenerative health challenges that can ultimately decrease quality of life and shorten life span.

So what do you do? First of all, it must be recognized that psoriasis is NOT a skin disease. Psoriasis is an immune disease that appears on the skin and it usually has a digestive component. So, first of all, immune conditions mandate removal of immune triggers. These are usually digestive and involve grains, dairy, soy, beef/pork/chicken, eggs and legumes (peanuts and beans). Patients must be aware of any digestive discomfort, (even something as mild as heartburn) and eliminate triggers.

Then digestive support supplements must be incorporated. These include probiotics also known as “good bacteria” (Youngevity FLORA FX, or NIGHTLY ESSENCE) and digestive enzymes (Youngevity ULTIMATE ENZYME which contains bile salts in addition to enzymes). Other important nutritional supplements include Essential Fatty Acids (Youngevity ULTIMATE EFA) Vitamins A and D and C and Zinc (Youngevity ULTIMATE MULTI and in my personal favorite Youngevity product BEYOND TANGY TANGERINE). Topical application of Zinc and Vitamin C can provide some relief and may accelerate the healing process. Lastly, make sure you AND your plaques are getting out in the sun.


Posted by Ben Fuchs in Health

In Your Genes? So What!

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

The world of health is filled with poorly examined assumptions. It isn’t all that long ago, for example, that pasta was considered a health food. When I was growing up in the 1960’s and 70’s, margarine was known to be a healthier choice for your bread or potatoes or corn on the cob than butter. Recently the so-called “Central Dogma” has been promoted as the cause of both health and disease. The “Central Dogma” is a biochemical theory, first described by Francis Crick in the 1950s that basically states that once something is programmed genetically, it can’t be changed. In other words, once something is “in your genes”, that’s it.

GenesThere are no other points, according to the “Central Dogma”, of control for the production of proteins, for the production of chemicals, for the production of of YOU.

Now, whether or not the fact that Francis Crick was one of the guys who discovered DNA (at least that’s how the story goes), whether his role as discoverer, is important for his championing of DNA as the final determinant of how our lives and bodies show up is really besides the point. The fact is that until very recently it was the opinion of medical professionals, scientists as well the average person on the street, that our diseases are in our genes and that’s that.

If something is coded genetically cancer, for example, than cancer it is and cancer it will be. Doctors recommend the removal of organs typically the ovaries or the breasts, because of the supposed likelihood of the appearance of cancers based on genetic history. Christina Applegate’s preventive double mastectomy of a couple of years ago is just one of the more famous recent examples.

Well fortunately the days of the preeminence of the genome are quickly coming to an end. What is being recognized today by more and more health care professional as well as their patients is that the structure and components of our environment have a large role to play in what kinds of expressions are produced by our genes. It’s all part of a science called EPIGENETICS, as in superior to or above genetics. Epigenetics was mentioned in Time Magazine as one of the top ten medical discoveries of 2009 and it basically frees us from the tyranny of our genes. In other words, no longer do we have to be held hostage to our genetic history. No longer to we have to be so terrified of our DNA that we feel that our only recourse against genetic disease is to have our organs removed.

The science of epigenetics is really what The Bright Side is all about, because it gives our choices an element of importance, it gives us an element of control, and that is good news! The science of epigenetics is our key to health and vitality, because unlike the science of genetics which relegates our role in our health to an “afterthought”, because after all: “it’s in our genes”, epigenetics states that what is produced, expressed at the genetic level is connected to the lifestyle choices we make. By the choices of the foods we eat, the supplements we take and even by the thoughts we think and the emotions we feel. All these factors are predominant influences in what shows up as our bodies and as our chemistry for better or for worse, because they all effect our genes.

Dr. Bruce Lipton who was one of the earliest proponents of the theory of epigenetics actually has pictures in his book “The Biology Of Belief” of black mice who were made albino by manipulation of the mother mouse’s diet. In other words what type of offspring was produced from a genetic perspective were changed by an epigenetic manipulation, in this case the mother’s diet. This well-reported and multiply verified phenomenon should be as significant to humanity as Abraham Lincoln’s emancipation proclamation was to American slaves in the mid 19th century. This new scientific reality is in essence humanity’s emancipation from genetic slavery. It does however make our choices much more important. Epigenetics in effect makes us as conscious, volitional choice-making beings responsible for our health.

And that’s the Bright Side, that’s the good news. Yes, your genes are control points for who and what we are, for the color of our skin and eyes and hair, for the production of mutations and malfunctions as well as for the extraordinary biochemical miracle the living body produces on a nanosecond basis. But, they are not fundamental. Rather, they are flexible. And they are flexible to or responsive to superior control points. In other words there are control points above genetics, epi-genetic and many of these epigenetic points are nutritional molecules. In fact gene activity depends on a wide variety of nutrients which can function as on-off switches. What this really means is that we can literally feed our genetics, for better or for worse. The latest scientific literature shows that genetics is not a hard-wired, fixed and rigid system, but rather a flexible and responsive biochemical milieu that adapts to environmental and chemical changes during the lifetime of it owner.

This is especially true with nutrition and has given birth to a new science called “nutrigenomics”, the study of the effects of nutrition and foods on genetic expression. There’s even a peer-reviewed medical journal called “The Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics”. Just to give you a little taste (so-to speak) of what I’m talking about, recent articles studied the effects of biotin starvation on fuel metabolism genes. Another article discusses the effects of dietary flavanoids (fruits and vegetables) on inhibiting cancer promoting genes.

What seems to have happened is that as our abilities to manipulate foods has evolved over the last 100 years or so, the rising incidence of diet related diseases has sparked scientists to study the effects of foods on health. Given modern medicine’s fascination with genetics, it was only a matter of time before someone thought to examine the effects foods could have on genes. What was discovered was that nutrients literally act as signals that give cells information about what is being eaten and that information is then transferred to the genes and appropriate responses are taken. That means genes will be turned on or off.

Now, when you think about your food as genetic signals, does that at least change our opinions about what we’re eating? Now, while clearly information that relates food to genetics is just now being exposed, many observers have suspected a correlation for years. As early as the 1960s it was reported that pregnant women who were deficient in folic acid were giving birth to babies who had genetic-based birth defects. Today all pregnant woman know that they better be taking extra folic acid to prevent babies being born with Spina bifida, a horrific birth defect where infants are born with the spinal cord exposed. However the nutritional aspect of genetic health was not fully realized until the human genome project was completed and scientists began to dig deeper into the mysteries of DNA.

What was found was that the old saying “you are what you eat” has a special relevance for genetics. In large part, your genes are what you eat. What’s really scary about this is that our genes are basically the same ones that our caveman ancestors had. And those were genes that were designed to thrive on diets that were filled with protein, good fats, lots of vitamins and minerals and anti-oxidants. That’s why many of the diseases that we suffer from today are the result of the foods we’re eating. Our genes were nurtured on different foods. When our bodies are being fed by substances that our genes don’t recognize, which is what a 21st century diet is filled with, genetic health is immediately compromised. In essence, our genes are getting chemical signals that they don’t recognize.

That’s one of the reasons that diets that are high in processed foods and refined sugars and artificial sweeteners can have such negative effects on our overall health. As familiar as a hamburger and fries and a soda are to our families, they’re complete strangers to our genetics. Just calories themselves can create genetic changes as for most of humanity’s time here on planet Earth starvation was a much more common genetic fact than satiety. Last week we talked about strategies for encouraging satiety in order to overcome holiday eating. That was based on outwitting our genetic tendencies. So, what are some other DNA enhancing strategies we can use to improve our genetic health.

Well, one of the most important areas to work on when it comes to enhancing DNA health is energy as well as protection from the sparks that can fly off in the production of energy. Energy is made in specialized structures that live in cells in the thousands and nutrients that play supportive roles in energy production and protection can be very helpful in allowing genes to function optimally. One of the most important of these nutrients is Coenzyme Q10 which is involved in carrying bits of energy from one part of a chemical reaction to another part. It’s an energy shuttle or an energy carrier and deficiencies, which are somewhat common can cause defects in energy production which can lead to weakness and fatigue. Because CoQ10 in the body is made with the same chemistry that cholesterol is made with, deficiencies are a common side effect of the statin drugs. If your taking Lipitor or Mevacor or Zocor, you want to make sure that you’re supplementing with one or two hundred milligrams of CoQ10 every day.

Folks with DNA defects in the mitochondria can suffer from energy production problems and Coenzyme Q10 has been used successfully to treat many patients with these genetic disorders. In fact everyone would probably be smart to use CoQ10 on a daily basis. Even though healthy people can make CoQ10, a little extra jolt of this non-toxic supplement has been shown to improve muscle function, heart function, blood pressure, memory and even crow’s feet around the eyes when it’s applied topically. There’s at least two studies that show that folks with muscular dystrophy can benefit and there’s some literature that shows that patients with post polio syndrome may benefit as well. Alpha Lipoic Acid is also involved in energy production genetics. It suppresses the activity of factors that turn on inflammation genes so it can play an important role in improving inflammatory disorders like arthritis or autoimmune diseases. It increases and protects the genetic activity of the mitochondrial DNA resulting in more energy and it plays a critical role in the chemistry of sugar metabolism.

Diabetics would do well to be taking 200mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid every day and in fact everyone should probably be taking it on a regular basis. It’s also found in meat and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts). Because aging involves damage to mitochondrial DNA, Alpha Lipoic Acid has general anti-aging benefits as well. Recently Dr. Bruce Ames, who is considered one of the premier genetic scientists in the world, has reported that Alpha Lipoic Acid in conjunction with another nutrient, Acetyl-L-Carnitine dramatically improved and in fact reversed declining energy levels in laboratory animals.

This combination has also been shown to work in improving the activity of fat metabolism and may have weight loss implications. Acetyl-L Carnitine and its parent compound Carnitine are also found in beef and pork products and to a lesser extent dairy and fish. Acetyl L-Carnitine is carried into the brain where it helps support the manufacture of brain chemicals, so it would be wise to include it in a general anti aging protocol, maybe 1 or 2 grams a day is a good place to start. There are also nutrients that help support the manufacturing of genes, as well as their repair.

Prominent among these substances are the B-vitamins, without which, the building blocks for genes wouldn’t exist. And the B-vitamins are involved in turning genes on and off thru a process called methylation. Scientists have actually shown that fixed genetic traits like eye color and skin pigmentation can be manipulated by depriving or supplementing mothers with the B-vitamins. We talk about the B-vitamins a lot on this program and these are just more reasons to make sure your body is saturated with these substances. They’re water soluble so don’t worry about getting too much because you’ll simply excrete what you don’t use. It’s difficult to get large amount of the B’s from food, unless you’re eating farm fresh, because these substances are unstable and break down over time, especially if they’re exposed to heat or to light or to oxygen.

That’s why supplementing is important. And in liquids not pills. Powdered B’s dissolved in water are so effective that many people notice immediate clarity and boosts in energy. I like the Youngevity Beyond Tangy Tangerine, which has a got a whole host of other nutrients in their too. Then there’s the Essential Fatty Acids. Remember, in nutrition the word “essential” means it’s not made in the body so it must be obtained in the diet or supplementally. EFA’S are genetically active and in fact have been shown to reduce the incidences of several genetically dependent cancers. Specifically forms of both prostate and breast cancer were genetically modified creating reductions in their incidence when subjects were given Omega-3 fatty acids from fish. Other studies have demonstrated the effects of dietary fats on liver genes.

So clearly appropriate fat intake is an important part of genetic health. Then there’s Vitamin E, which protects genes anti oxidants can disable genes in cancer cells. Selenium supports cancer suppression genes. Then there are the phytonutrients in plants, fruits and vegetables. Sulfides in garlic and onions, phytates in beans and grains, glucarates in tomatoes and citrus fruits, lignans in flax and seseme, and other seeds, isoflavones in legumes, indoles in broccoli and cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables, ellagic acid in grapes and berries, Bioflavanoids and carotenoids found in algae and seaweed and almost all fruits and vegetables have been shown to modify gene expression and to protect against degenerative and age-related diseases. Human detoxification enzymes can be genetically modified to improve their performance and increase their numbers, AT THE GENETIC LEVEL! That means better detoxification of poisons. Vegetables are loaded with these substances. The cruciferous vegetable are especially important in this regard, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, but all plant materials contain some phytonutrients that up the production of detoxification and anti-cancer genetics.

More and more we are seeing that nutrient intake plays a large role in the activity of what was until now thought to be a largely independent realm of biochemistry. In fact many scientists and nutritionists the diets of the future will probably be individually designed to maximize the health of specific genetic profiles. For now however, nutrigenomics is just another instance and example of how critical nutrition is maintain health and wellness even if something is in your family history or, “in your genes”.


Posted by Ben Fuchs in Health

The Skinny on Sweets

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

Disciplining and controlling the human “sweet tooth” and subsequently stabilizing blood sugar is one of the most important things a person can do to maintain good health. Elevations in blood sugar and associated elevations in insulin are behind many, if not most of the health issues we confront today. High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and of course diabetes have clear associations to unstable blood sugar and blood insulin. And while the connections to cancer, accelerated aging, osteoporosis, arthritis and autoimmune issues are less definitive, a case could certainly be made that the likelihood of confronting these health challenges (among others) would almost certainly be reduced by reducing sugar intake. Now while it is important to recognize that simply fighting sugar cravings is a futile strategy.

In other words will power is not a great weapon in the battle against sugar because the drive for sugar is built-in, it is hardwired into our brains from millions of years of evolution; and in the battle between hard wiring and will power, hard-wiring usually wins. What we want to be able to do is understand the “habituation” mechanism. “Taste anesthesia” must be confronted. Our taste buds become numb to sweetness and gradually it takes more and more sweet for us to be satisfied. And, there is some literature that suggests that even the sweet taste can raise blood sugar and insulin levels, even without sugar! Ideally, we want to take a “sweet holiday”, one or two days off from sweetness, from the sweet flavor so that our sweet receptors can become re-sensitized. Sort of a sweet “re-set”. That’s ideally. However for some of us, who are addicted to sugar that may be easier said than done. And, after our “sweet holiday” we’re going to want to reintroduce the sweet flavor back into our lives albeit to lesser degree than it was before our break. And that’s where alternative sweeteners come in.Mainstream alternative sweeteners have been out for decades. I remember when I was a little kid the big one was cyclamate. Then some studies showed that it may be associated with bladder cancer and in 1969 it was banned for sale in the United States, although you can still get it in other countries.

Then there’s the old standby saccharin, which is a lot sweeter than sugar, but is a simple chemical, “benzoic sulfilamine” that has not energy or calories. It’s also is free of aftertaste which makes it ideal for drinks and candies and manufactured food products. It was the first really big artificial sweetener and was branded as sweet n’ lo which is still a familiar site in restaurants and diners and coffee shops around the country. Sweet n Low account for 100 million dollars a year in sales and according to the manufacturer 30 million people use it every day. It’s unstable to heat, so you can’t really cook with saccharin, which is why it’s most often used in a blend with other artificial sweeteners (Sweet n’ Low is made with dextrose) in the 1970’s some studies linked saccharin to bladder cancer and warning labels were mandated. These have since been removed and it has now been declared by the FDA as safe for consumption. It is currently the third most popular artificial sweetener in the United states right behind Aspartame which goes by the name NutraSweet or Equal.

Aspartame, which is now being called “AminoSweet” is probably the most controversial of the artificial sweeteners. It’s a derivative of amino acids and it breaks down to form phenylalanine, which is why it has a warning label on it for people who can’t process phenylalanine . It’s 200 times sweeter than sugar and has no calories and doesn’t directly affect blood glucose or insulin (although recent literature indicates that the sweet taste alone may cause changes in blood glucose and insulin). Because it doesn’t taste exactly like sugar sometimes it’s blended with another artificial sweetener, called acesulfame, which goes by the brand names Sunett or Sweet One. The big problem with Aminosweet or Nutrasweet or whatever you want to call it is it’s link to neurotoxicity. It is classified as an excitotoxin by dr. Russell Blaylock who has researched and written extensively on aspartame. He claims it is associated with brain and nerve problems and cancers like leukemia and brain lymphomas. What’s worse, dr. Blaylock says that Searle, the company that developed aspartame knew about this. According to Dr. Blaylock “the original studies done by the G.D. Searle company “…found lymphomas as well as primary brain tumors and tumors of multiple organs” at the time of the approval by the United states government Donald Rumsfeld was the chairman of the Searle corporation. That may or may not have had anything to do with it getting it through the regulatory process.

Then there’s the whole formaldehyde issue. Aspartame consumption is associated with the production of high levels of formaldehyde and according to the EPA, formaldehyde causes cancer in animals and likely cause cancer in humans as well. Aspartame can also covert to methanol under certain conditions and this can also create biochemical toxicity. According to the aspartame toxicity center long and short term use can cause 39 different toxic reactions including tremors, convulsions chronic fatigue, nausea, vomiting diarrhea and even death. And it can exacerbate or mimic 16 different medical conditions including panic attacks, ADD, lupus, Alzheimer’s Disease and even diabetes. Now in fairness to the stuff Searle and the government say it all much ado about nothing, but with all the alternative sweeteners out there, its probably a good idea to stay away from “Nutra-Amino Sweet”. Then there’s the best selling artificial sweetener on the market sucralose, which is basically sucrose, table sugar plus chlorine. Marketed as Splenda, it’s 500-700 times sweeter than sugar, and twice as sweet as saccharin. Sucralose is used in foods in very small quantities because of it’s high sweetness and while it doesn’t directly affect blood sugar or insulin, although once again it’s sweetness may cause these markers to rise.

The big problem with Splenda are those chlorine molecules. The company that makes Splenda says that the chlorine is what keeps Splenda from being absorbed and accounts for its zero calorie status as well as it’s safety, but a lot of chemists aren’t so sure. The chlorines put sucralose into a classification called organochlorines, and this is a chemical family that is clearly associated with cancers. More recently, concerns have been raised about Sucralose’s affects on the thymus gland which has implications for the immune system. According to the Sucralose Toxicity Information Center, ingestion of sucralose was related to thymus shrinkage in laboratory animals. The company that makes sucralose not unexpectedly denies the allegations. The biggest problem that I see with sucralose, is the fact that it’s so new. According to the Sucralose Toxicity Information Center, of the manufacturer’s hundred’s of studies, not all of which are indicative of sucralose safety, many “were clearly inadequate and do not demonstrate safety in long-term use”. Basically sucralose, aspartame acesulfame and saccharin are artificial sweeteners that are processed by the body as drugs. They are “pharmasweeteners” toxins and handled by the body’s drug detoxification system, and that’s the real problem. Do you really want to add to your body’s toxic load? Do you really want to use a sweetener that is processed as a poison?

Thankfully there are some kinder, less industrial sugar alternatives that are available and while not all of them are great, they’re not toxic and some of them can be helpful sugar replacements and allow us to indulge our sweet tooths (or teeth?) with little or no health associated problems. My favorite alternative sweetener is probably xylitol. Now first of all I should tell you that the suffix, the ending “–ol” when associated with a sugar, indicates the biochemical structure of something called a sugar alcohol. Thus you have sweeteners, sugar alcohols, like mannit-ol, sorbit-ol and erythrit-ol which have been used for decades.

These sugar alcohols, some people call them “poly-ols”, are not sugar and they’re not alcohol, but they are sweet carbohydrates. The important thing to understand about all the sugar alcohols is while they’re tasty and sugar-like, they are not absorbed into the body the way regular sugar is. That accounts for their benefits, namely they will not affect blood glucose and insulin the way sugar does, but it also accounts for their drawback. You see, because they are NOT absorbed into the blood they get into the intestine and they can affect bacterial balance and water balance. This can lead to gas, bloating, and they may even have a laxative effect and may exacerbate symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or other digestive conditions. They’re all officially low carb and some nutritionists actually consider them zero carb. If you can handle them they’re great and xylitol is probably the best of them and I’ll tell you why: while none of the sugar alcohols will promote cavities, xylitol has actually been shown to reduce them! According to an article in The Journal of the American Dental Association from 1998, xylitol is “…an effective preventive agent against dental caries”. In addition it has been shown to reduce the incidence of gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss and destroy the tissues that support the teeth. The Journal of Dental Research calls gum disease a significant public health problem that may have been underestimated by up to 50%. And gum disease doesn’t just affect the mouth. Several studies have linked it diabetes, cardiovascular issues and rheumatoid arthritis. Recently, a study published in the Journal of Periodentology, linked gum disease to lung health. The study showed that bacteria from the upper throat can be inhaled into the lungs leading to pulmonary disease and pneumonia. So, using xylitol as a sweetener may help reduce the likelihood of inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular issues. and enhance respiratory health too. Xylitol increases the amounts protective factors in the mouth and it helps keep saliva minerals absorbable. It also helps improve saliva secretion, so it may have benefits for folks who suffer from dry mouth. According to a paper published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, patients who chewed xylitol containing gum substantially lowered their risk oral fungal infections (“thrush”). And it reduced the risk of chelitis which shows up as rashy sores on the sides of the mouth. The study concludes that xylitol can provide “real clinical benefit” for elderly patients. Take 1 teaspoonful or so and dissolve it in a half a cup of water and use it as a mouth rinse. It will kill bacteria and fungus, keep the acid level in the mouth down (bacteria thrive in a medium acid environment). Use it after brushing and flossing and you don’t have to worry about leaving xylitol in the mouth like you would with other sweeteners. You will actually be suppressing tooth decay. And, xylitol will improve mineral absorption into the teeth making for stronger enamel. You’ll notice small decay spots will improve and even larger cavities will become less sensitive.

And xylitol doesn’t just improve mineral absorption into the teeth. It can do the same thing for bones. Xylitol has been shown to improve osteoporosis! It can actually increase bone density! According to research done in Finland, it hardens bones and helps improve calcium absorption. How do you like that a sweetener that’s good for your bones and your teeth! Another interesting benefit of xylitol is it’s ability to slow down the growth of bacteria that can cause ear infections in children. In two studies of over 1000 children xylitol reduced the incidence of ear infections by 40%. Somehow xylitol interferes with the ability of bacteria’s ability to attach themselves to sinus and nasal tissue. And not only that, but unlike other sugars (even other poly-ols) xylitol can’t be used by bacteria as an energy source. In fact not only can’t bacteria use xylitol for energy, it actually costs microorganisms energy to break down xylitol making it difficult for them to thrive. You can actually take a little xylitol, maybe a teaspoonful or so dissolve it in a couple of ounces of water (4 or 5 tablespoonsful) , put it in a nasal spray bottle and make an allergy or infection protected spray for your sinuses. Dr. Lon Jones, a physician in Texas says that by using a xylitol nasal spray he prevented 93% of ear infections and had comparable reductions in sinus infections, allergies and asthma! You want more? OK…xylitol has also been shown to reduce Candida yeast and harmful digestive bacteria like h pylori that can be the cause of bad breath, ulcers, and gum disease. It looks and tastes like sugar, you can cook with it, it’s totally natural; it’s found in fruits and vegetables and corn cobs and tree bark and it’s made by the human body itself as a normal part of sugar metabolism. And while sugar is acid-forming xylitol is not. In fact, it actually enhances alkalinity. Xylitol has the same sweetness as sugar but with 40% less calories and 75% less carbohydrates.

Xylitol is metabolized much more slowly than regular sugar. On the glycemic index, which is a measurement of how quickly a carbohydrate changes blood sugar, xylitol is a 7 while ordinary sugar is rated a 100. And xylitol doesn’t raise insulin levels. And while it’s more costly than ordinary sugar, considering all of it’s health benefits, it’s relatively cheap. A 2 and a half pound bag of it costs less than 20 dollars.

Another interesting sweetener is one that I fhear about recently from Dr. Sharon Livingston. It’s called Yacon and it’s got some interesting properties. It comes as a powder or syrup and it’s derived from a tuber, much like a potato or turnip. It’s a good source of anti oxidants, and the amino acid tryptophan which can be helpful for mood and brain health but its most important benefit is as a source of something called inulin, which is technically refer to as an FOS (fructo-oligo-saccharide). Now FOSs are technically a type of sugar but usually they’re not usually very sweet. They are however, very important for colon health. That’s because, while humans can’t use it as energy source the way it can ordinary, bacteria can. Especially bacteria, that live in the colon, so-called probiotics. Now, we talk about probiotics all the time on this program, but we don’t often talk about nourishment for probiotics, food and energy sources for the good bacteria. Well FOS is just that. An energy source that can feed and sustain good bacteria in the colon, allowing them to proliferate. Sort of a nutritional supplement for probiotics. Some nutritionists refer to FOS as a prebiotic and while it is found in smaller quantities in many fruits and vegetable, like artichoke and garlic and onions, asparagus, wheat and barley, Yacon stands out because it’s almost 50% FOS. That makes it a sweetener that’s a wonderful dietary supplement that supports colon health. And not only that, but because FOS supports the health of bacteria that fight fungus, it can be helpful for fighting yeast infections. FOS has been shown to improve calcium absorption so it may have benefits for improving or delaying the onset of osteoporosis. And FOS contributes to the fiber fraction of the diet so it can improve digestive health, relieve constipation issues speeding up the movement of food through the colon as well as the elimination of toxins. It can also improve hunger satisfaction making it an ideal sweetener for people who are trying to lose weight. A study published in April, 2009 in the European Journal clinical nutrition found that using Yacon syrup daily produced a “significant decrease in body weight, waist circumference and body mass index”. The study went on to say that decreases in serum insulin, increases in defecation and satiety were also observed. And all of these benefits were achieved without affecting blood sugar or blood fats.

Yacon is great for diabetics, it won’t affect blood glucose or insulin and while FOSs are typically not very sweet, the ones in Yacon give it a molasses like flavor that taste great. The syrup goes for around 12 or 13 dollars for 13 oz and Yacon powder is around $10 or 11 dollars for a half pound. Its got about 10 calories in a teaspoon and you can use it in recipes like you would honey. It’s got a thick and sticky texture and it can impart some moisture to recipes, much like honey would. If you mix 2 tablespoonsful of the syrup in with a cup of xylitol it makes a great low calorie diabetic-safe brown sugar substitute.

Another little know sugar substitute is stevia, sometimes called “honey leaf”, which is becoming more and more popular these days. When I first heard of stevia 15 years ago, the only place you could find it was in herb stores. Today it’s available pretty much everywhere. And, in a way, stevia has pretty much become officially mainstream as you can find processed versions in grocery stores as brand names like “Truvia” which is made by Coca Cola and “PureVia” which is made by Pepsi. Technically stevia is over 300 times sweeter than sugar, but that might not be such a good thing as that much sweetness can come across with a slightly bitter aftertaste. It’s got zero calories and it sweetening power is completely safe for diabetics and anyone whose concerned about blood sugar or insulin. My favorite factoid about stevia, is that the FDA considers it an illegal sweetener and allows it sale only as a dietary supplement. It’s been the subject of searches and seizures and import alerts, trade complaints and embargoes and generally been treated as if it were a illegal drug. Even books about stevia have been considered illegal. In a famous letter from an FDA compliance officer, the president of the Texas-based Stevita company, a stevia distributor was warned that the FDA would quote ““be available to witness the destruction of the cookbooks, literature and other publications for the purpose of verifying compliance.” Sweetness is big business and big bucks and clearly the FDA does not like stevia. The do however approve of the supermarket versions like Truvia and PureVia which are made with something called rebiana, which is extracted from the stevia plant and requires a lot of processing. That’s why it involves the participation of huge multinational food processing companies like Cargill and Coca Cola and Pepsi. Oh by the way, the FDA allows for a 97% purity standard on these processed stevia products. I’m not sure what the other 3% is but it probably has something to do with the erythritol that is used to spike the processed stevia products. That’s right, a sugar alcohol is added to the stevia, for whatever reason. As if 300 times sweeter than sugar isn’t enough sweetness. The erythritol accounts for the digestive side effects some people suffer when they use these products. Remember sugar alcohols, or poly-ols can have a negative effect on digestive bacteria and can cause bloating, constipation and other digestive symptoms. If you’re going to use stevia, my advice is to stay away from the Coca Cola and Pepsi versions and go to a health food store and get the real stuff. It can only be labeled as a dietary supplement, but you can use it any way you like, There are literally hundreds of studies that attest to the safety of stevia and aside from the slightly bitter after taste that you get when you use to much , it’s pretty much a perfect sugar substitute. It won’t lose its sweetness at high temperatures so it can be uses for baking and cooking but because it doesn’t have the properties of sugar, you can’t use it to add texture, help soften batter, caramelize, browning or ferment yeast. My favorite way to use stevia is with lemons and a little strawberry blended together, maybe one or two teaspoonfuls of stevia powder to 4 cups of water and 2 or 3 lemons with one or two strawberries. And for those with a green thumb, is easy to grow in a little garden. It does require a warmer climate so plant it after frost unless you’re in Florida or California. And it grows in pretty much in Any well-drained soil that is good for your typical garden vegetables.

Another interesting sweetener is something called “Whey Low”. I call it the “Whole Foods” low calorie sweetener, because the only place I’ve ever seen it is at Whole Foods, although according to the Whey Low website it’s available at other health food stores as well. It’s got 75% less calories than table sugar and it’s much lower on the glycemic index, which as we’ve said is a measurement of how fast a carbohydrate changes blood sugar. A teaspoon has 5 calories (a teaspoonful of ordinary sugar has about 20) You can substitute it one to one with sugar in recipes. It tastes like sugar, basically because it is sugar. It’s a blend of fructose, lactose and sucrose which are all sugars. Supposedly the sugar blend serves as a barrier in the intestine interferes with the absorption accounting for the low glycemic index. I’m not sure I’m buying that and fructose and sucrose are clearly problematic sweeteners. And even though they call it Whey Low, there’s no whey in the product. The name is derived from the lactose which comes from whey. Whey Low, is basically a nutritionally void processed sweetener, and doesn’t have any advantages over xylitol or Yacon or even stevia.

Then there’s straight fructose which is available as a sweetener in powder form. I’d be extremely careful of it as there’s a ton of literature that’s come out over the last few years implicating it in numerous health problems. Yes it’s fruit sugar and most of us have warm, fuzzy feelings about fruit, and for many years it’s been considered a safe alternative to regular sugar and for diabetics but recently ingestion of fructose has been linked to elevated triglycerides, uric acid, insulin, blood glucose. Fructose reacts with proteins more easily than regular sugar too. The reaction is called the browning reaction because it literally browns proteins and that means accelerated aging and greater susceptibility to organ failure and disease. It increase blood acidity which can be a prelude to cancer and it can have a negative on mineral balances involving calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. It can also throw off copper metabolism which can cause a weakening in blood vessels. That means strokes aneurysms and defects in connective tissue. It’s processed by the liver so it can exacerbate detoxification issues and it converts to fat more readily than regular sugar. And last but not least there are fructose malabsorbtion issues which affect 30% of Americans. That’s when you have a problem absorbing fructose into cells and it builds up in the intestine. Fructose malabsorbtion is common in folks who already have bowel problems like irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease although anyone can have it. If you get bloating or diarrhea or gas or any digestive discomfort after you eat fruit or high fructose syrup or even honey, which is around 50% fructose chances are you’ve got an absorption problem.

Another sweetener that’s become popular in last few years is Agave Nectar. Now while Agave nectar sounds like its some kin of natural syrup or honey, it’s really a highly processed chemical sweetener that’s anywhere from 55 to 90% fructose, depending on whose information you’re reading. It has about ¾ of the calories of sucrose and while it does have a low glycemic index, if you’re a diabetic, it’s probably not a good choice given all the problems associated with fructose and what’s worse, most of it is produced in Mexico, which is known for less than rigorous regulatory standards, and some evidence suggests that it’s being cut with corn syrup. On top of that, the FDA has actually refused some shipments of agave nectar because of excessive pesticide residues. Agave is basically non-nutritional fructose, and if you want fructose, you’re probably better off using honey, which is about half fructose, and has a higher glycemic index and more calories than agave but contains a mother lode of nutrition including minerals, vitamins amino acids and enzymes, as long as it’s raw and unprocessed.


Posted by Ben Fuchs in Nutrition