
Cholesterol and the Steroid Hormones

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

The human body is a roiling, seething, cauldron of chemistry. An apparently solid mass, which is in reality composed of and home to hundreds of trillions of endlessly morphing molecules and many thousands of different biochemical entities, none more important than the misunderstood, much maligned and massively functional molecule called cholesterol.

Cholesterol and the Steroid Hormones

By David Richfield (User:Slashme) and Mikael Häggström], via Wikimedia Commons

Cholesterol is THE key chemical entity of the human body. It distinguishes animals from plants (which do not make cholesterol), and plays and important part in muscle health, a well- functioning brain and nervous system and in helping maintain the moisturization and barrier properties of the skin. Yet of all the roles cholesterol plays in the helping sustaining the heath of the organism, none is more important than its parental responsibilities. Yes, cholesterol is a matriarch, a parent chemical that “gives birth” to many children.

The children of cholesterol are known as the steroid hormones. And the steroid hormones are the elites of the society of biochemicals. They regulate (i.e. control) many of the chemical reactions in the body. The cholesterol family is known for being hard working and very important in the society of the body. A couple of the offspring are Cortisol and Estrogen. These cholesterol children support the body in times of stress. Then there’s the virile and manly child Testosterone which is responsible for much of the body’s growth and repair. Pregnenolone and DHEA are cholesterol kids that are important for keeping the body happy and strong and resistant to disease. And perhaps the most potent and powerful cholesterol child, the one who has really made a name for himself in terms of impact is called Cholecalciferol, or as it’s more commonly known as Vitamin D. Thus, cholesterol is a parent, a chemical jumping off point, for many of the most important chemicals in the body. It is important stuff and a biological must-have.

Yet, sometimes the body’s cholesterol making machinery makes more than it needs. How much is too much, no one knows, (those silly cholesterol tests that measure HDL and LDL are based on correlations and statistics created by pharmaceutical companies that profit off the scores they invent) but the fact is that elevated cholesterol levels are associated with a leading cause of disease: dysglycemia and diabetes. But association is not cause. In fact, although elevated cholesterol levels are associated with diabetes it’s not the cause of messed up blood sugar, but rather an effect. This should come as no surprise. Biochemical breakdowns in blood sugar control messes up ALL of the body’s chemistry. Excessive cholesterol synthesis is an effect of poor blood sugar control. When you correct blood sugar and lower insulin secretion by changing the way you eat (basically eating less sweets, cereals, breads, pasta and potatoes among other sugar-rich foods) cholesterol synthesis slows down. It happens EVERY time! That’s because cholesterol synthesis is up-regulated as a result of the body being tricked by the intake of a high-calorie high sugar diet. These types of foods fool the body into initiating the processes of building cells and substance. And cells and substances require cholesterol.

In essence, excessive amounts of cholesterol are produced because of our lousy lifestyle choices. And, as always when it comes to lifestyle induced biochemical breakdowns, this is good news because we can fix the breakdowns simply by making better choices. Without drugs or doctors or health insurance. Reduce your intake of fast burning, high calorie carbs and your cholesterol levels will drop like a stone. And, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure you’re taking nutritional supplements that help the body process carbohydrates. Using niacin (200-500 mg timed release a day) and thiamine (500mg a day in divided doses) and chromium (200-600mcg daily, taken after meals) and magnesium (the glycinate form is best, try 1200mg daily) can help support sugar metabolism and they’ll help lower cholesterol as well. As a bonus you’ll lose weight and lower your blood pressure and reduce your risks of degenerative disease of all kinds and probably live longer too.

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Health

Good Cholesterol, Bad Cholesterol

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

Good CholesterolDid you know that HDL and LDL are NOT cholesterol? Did you know that there are no biochemical entities called good cholesterol or bad cholesterol? And, did you know that cholesterol is an incredibly important biological chemical, maybe the most important in the body and to this day, there has been no definitive link established between cholesterol in the blood and heart disease?

Given that there were 174 million prescriptions written for statin drugs in 2010 and tens of millions of Americans are currently on or have been on these cholesterol-lowering medications, it may be important to delve into some of these ideas a bit further. HDL and LDL are abbreviations for High Density Lipoprotein and Low Density Lipoprotein. They are transport molecules that carry cholesterol (among other substances) throughout the body. Although the cholesterol contained in both of these substances is exactly the same, HDL is said to be “good” because it delivers cholesterol to the liver and LDL is said to be “bad” because it carries cholesterol from the liver to the arteries where it is used as a precursor to dozens of critical biochemical substances including cortisol, Vitamin D, DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and many other reproductive hormones.

It also serves as a parent compound to numerous skin moisture factors. And it is a critical component of the membrane that surrounds each of the estimated 100 trillion cells in the body.

Given the utter lack of evidence that cholesterol in its non-oxidized form has any causal link to heart disease and that the guidelines for supposedly healthy blood cholesterol levels are determined to a large degree by the drug companies that make billions of dollars by selling cholesterol-lowering medications, it may make sense to think long and hard before filling or refilling your next statin drug prescription.

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Health

Top Ten Foods For Protection From Estrogen

By Ben Fuchs | Pharmacist Ben

Number 1) Cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy and Brussels sprouts.  If I was a woman I’d be doing cruciferous veggies on a daily basis.  The one knock and the cruciferous veggies is their affect on the thyroid.  Some folks who are dealing with thyroid health issues may find that raw. Cruciferous veggies may have a negative effect on the thyroid.  If you slightly stem your veggies, for most folks that should take care of the problem.

Estrogen FoodsNumber 2) Citrus lemons, limes, grapefruits, oranges.  Chemical in these fruits called flavanoids have some tremendous anti estrogenic affects, especially when it comes to cancer protection.  Especially for female cancer like breast and uterine cancer.   Their tasty cheap and readily available and like the cruciferous veggies, there’s no reason not to be enjoying them on a daily basis.

Number 3) Onion and Garlic.  Like the citrus fruits these versatile veggies are loaded with estrogen protecting flavanoids, especially something called Quercetin.   They support liver health and can boost the immune system too.  They work well in combination with other flavanoids so use onions and garlic with the cruciferous veggies and citrus fruits for a nice immune boosting anti estrogenic salad or soup.

Number 4) Raw nuts and seeds both of which are sources of something called sterols which have protective affects against estrogen and may help promote production of estrogens opposing hormones progesterone.  Sterols can also support testosterone production in men and if you’re a guy and you’re starting to notice that you’re going to the bathroom more than once or twice in them idle of the nite, sterols may be a way to protect yourself from prostate enlargement.  Make sure your using raw nuts and seeds not the kind that are roasted or otherwise processed as these kinds of techniques can  reduce their nutritional value and even produce harmful compounds.

Number 5) Olives are also a good source of sterols that can have beneficial effects on estrogen and may help lower blood cholesterol too.  Olives are a good source of Vitamin E which has anti estrogenic properties.

Number 6) Turmeric, which is the active ingredient in curry.  Turmeric is one of the most medicinally herbs/ spices you could ever use and if you’re dealing with any estrogen issues or you want to protect yourself from cancer you’d be wise to use curry on everything.

Number 7) Fish and seafood which are sources of special compounds called DHA and EPA which have wonderful anti-inflammatory benefits that can offset the pro inflammatory affects of estrogen.  These compounds can also balance out the pro-inflammatory and pro-estrogenic compounds in most grain and cooking oils.  Get ion the Ultimate EFA which is a good source of the protective essential fatty acids.

Number 8) Green leafy veggies are a source of b-vitamin and chlorophyll both of which can help balance our estrogen.  In addition some green leafys like spinach is a source of powerful detoxification substances that help the body process excessive amounts of xenoestrogen.

Number 9) Seaweeds and algaes as mentioned previously are powerfully ant estrogenic.  These kinds of foods are very undervalues in Western cooking although in Japan they’ve been using seaweed as a source of nourishment for millennia.  I like to get the dry seaweed and use it like croutons to add a crunch to salads.  Sometimes I’ll soak my  seaweed in water with a bunch of garlic and onion powder and sea salt and use it as a bed underneath grilled  fish or squid.

Number 10) Fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut and borsht all have estrogenic properties.  The bacteria that give these types of foods their bite can help process estrogen and can provide digestive benefits too.

Estrogens or Oestrogens, are a group of compounds named for their importance in both menstrual and estrous reproductive cycles. They are the primary female sex hormones. Natural estrogens are steroid hormones, while some synthetic ones are non-steroidal. The name comes from the Greek οἶστρος (oistros), literally meaning “gadfly” but figuratively sexual passion or desire, and the suffix -gen, meaning “producer of”.
From Wikipedia

Posted by Ben Fuchs in Nutrition